
Brighton Show(s)

I live 45 minutes away so I thought about it.. then decided not to bother.I Enjoyed the nice weather instead. The only show I like is Munich...partly because of the sheer scale and range of exhibitors, but also because Munich is a great city where you can have a really good time regardless of the audio stuff.
I was in Brighton - so a dropped in for a couple of hours. First time I've been to a show in years. It was quiet small.

The Audio Note room, LampizatOr setup and a system using a CD player by Reimyo / Pass Amps and Verity speakers were all making some nice music. At the other end of the price spectrum I also enjoyed the Funk demo and the Harbeth / Sonnetter.

Not much else was to my taste.
Just back!

I always love Brighton. Nice weather today and some great food :)

Too much chatting, but it was nice to see some familiar faces. Not impressed with most of the rooms, but Vivid Audio sounded great once the volume was turned-up on the G1s and the room looked even better tbh.

I went to the Holiday inn. No time to visit the Hilton. Parking was extortionate (normally find free parking at these events).

Place was very quiet. Some interesting rooms from the likes of Funk firm,the LampizatOr room with good sounding turntables. Aptly named the Zontex! This has a 14.5" wooden arm that was being air balanced by a magnetic system at the bearing (back end of arm, not collar!).

On the ground floor was with a range of demonstratable headphones and amps. For me the Beyer Dynamic Art 1 and Seinheiser HD800 (in balanced mode) with dedicated HD800 amplifier came out tops. Competition from Audeze was missing and the Grado GS1000 were sounding somewhat under par no matter what amp it was plugged in to. Very pronunced top end.

Not enough to peruse to fill a whole day tho'. I arrived just before 1pm after spending to much time looking for cheap parking (remind me not to visit Brighton again!).
Croft should also have been in use there in room 125 with FunkFirm?
Anyone payed any attention to the Croft amps? (which?)

