
Black NAXO 2-4


pfm Member
Hi All,

I want to get my hands on a black NAXO 2-4, but they don't seem to come up for sale (at all :confused: ). Where's the best place to track one down, and what would an approximate price be? Not that worried about condition

I've got a Naxo 2-4/3-6, setup 3-6 for Isobariks(easy to change to 2 way setting) you can have for £200 + shipping. You will need to get a Snaps or similar psu to power it. PM me your email & I'll send you some pics.
Hi Mark

Sounds good to me, but I don't seem able to send you a private mesage - it was blocked (Could be me doing something wrong, though)
Hi Mark

Sounds good to me, but I don't seem able to send you a private mesage - it was blocked (Could be me doing something wrong, though)

Apologies for that. I've changed service provider overnight and Tony has just finished unravelling a login problem.

Anyway, you can now pm me.

