
Bi-Wire Cable Options Closest To Naim Naca5's Signature


pfm Member
I read that Chord Epic Super Twin(bi-wire) sounds closest to the Naca5. However a 5m length of this cable is significantly costlier than the Naca5. Are there any other alternatives? It is unfortunate Naim do not produce Naca5 in bi-wire versions.

Anyone got a positive result replacing the stock links on the speaker terminals to small snips of Naca5? Is this worth a shot, or I'm better off getting some bi-wire cables(obviously not a Naca5 anymore)? Naim amps in use.

Thanks in advance.
I went from nacA5 to mogami biwire cable. A bit smoother than naim but very good and much mire flexible than the A5. Quite a few people here use it.
Thanks Mikeg. Instead of trying out bi-wire cables, I'll dig out my excess Rega SC42 speaker wires soon and use them as jumpers first just to see if they will make a difference. I can't seem to figure out where I had put the wires as I can't find them anywhere in the room yesterday. Will also try the XLO Pro jumpers when I collect them from a friend sometime next week.

Will consider a bi-wire cable when the time comes. The Mogami is certainly a popular cable that is worth trying.


