
[FS] Bard (Sonos) system


pfm Member
Hi and happy new year.

I have a Bard one TX and Bard one RX that is new and unused. It will make a good start for multi room which is not in my plans.

Make me a sensible offer but I am coming to UK on 11th January and could bring it and avoid the Spanish postal system.

What are they? A local (to Spain) rebrand of a Sonos One?

Without further detail this may be difficult to sell to UK users, because the brand doesn't seem to exist over here.
Ok, but the words "Cymbiosis" and "Bard" don't seem to immediately throw up any real leads, so it will probably be useful (for your sale) if you provide a link, so that anyone interested can see what these products are? I hope you can understand that I'm trying to be helpful!
Bard Audio is (was, sort of still is) a sub brand of Sonneteer. We use it sometimes on experimental or smaller items. Hence the wireless tuff we did years ago was launched using that name as it really was very much experimental. It found an audience, but things have since moved on. We couldn't go down the Sonos rout as we didn't have the 200 million pounds of private equity behind us and it meant a huge amount of support resource. It was fun while it lasted. We still hear from customers today who still have them. I mean we sold quite a few. Not quite Sonos levels, but enough. By the time we got to generation 4 with an eye on Gen 5 it was becoming a R&D money sink so we went back to doing what we loved, designing amps. That area of the market is now dominated by Amazon, Google and ofc. Sonos. Apple is the new haymaker. Sonneteer or Bard just doesn't get close. Though Google have seen fit to name their AI, Bard, so maybe?! ;-)


