
Audio Origami Spyglass

Mike g

pfm Member
I was buying some bearing oil from Jonny at audio origami and thought I'd try one of his small spyglasses with an in built light. Cost £8. Just tried it and well worth the small outlay. I thought my cartridge was pretty clean but on inspection there was some crud on it which I hadn't seen before. All cleaned up now but thought I'd recommend the spyglass - a useful wee bit of kit to have around and reckon it will help when I next change cart or arm for setting up (appreciate that other such items are probably easy to get hold of and are maybe cheaper than £8 but if Jonny is selling them then you know they will be pretty good quality).
Yep, I've got one as well and it's a cracking gadget! I also bought the brush for cleaning my stylus and that works a treat as well - nice one Johhnie ;)

