


Some posts removed under this site's AUP (link). Those incapable / too arrogant to abide by it will be removed for a while.
Hi guys,

Apologies for the issues you're been having accessing the site. We suspect that it may be a DNS or specific router issue, or perhaps a DOS attack somewhere. We're looking into the matter and hope to have it resolved soon.

Bob, I'm surprised you've not heard of AoS. For details, click the link on my sig, presuming that you're able to access the site. Cheers! :)
For details, click the link on my sig, presuming that you're able to access the site. Cheers! :)

The last couple of times I did that I got pictures of fellatio.............and warning of virus attack. The latter concerns me the most.
I spent ages writing up how I've just converted some Tannoy 3838 15"'s to active only to have it disappear into cyberspace when I tried to post it.
....and that's why everyone should always do a sneaky ctrl-a ctrl-c (or cmd-a cmd-c) before hitting the post button!

