
anyone see Rick Gervais on the American Golden Globe awards?

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there was a bit of talk about it in another thread. some of the forum members snowflaked out. i agree with you that he's brilliant with this stuff.

oh where's the thread?? i'd like to see that - i actually concertedly looked for something before posting - hmmmm

Not sure why there were so many comments arguing about Left vs Right wing in that Twitter feed. Ricky backed Jeremy Corbyn for PM, so he's obviously a Lefty (Not all Lefties are snowflakes).

I didn't find it very funny but that's only because I didn't get the jokes (I had to Google the names of the people he was talking about). All of Ricky Gervais previous stuff like The Office, After Life etc has made me laugh though, so I'm sure I would have laughed If I'd have got the jokes.
It was funny, but he plugged Netflix and his own work too much, and the attack on Apple was unfair.
I always thought he was a bit of a twat. And that was before I knew he was a Corbyn man.

he is! and isn't funny

He is a complete and utter twat, desperately unfunny (Russell Brand levels of unfunny). The Office and Extras were awful. Then he came out as a Corbyn supporter to prove it.

However he did go up in my estimation slightly after the Golden Globes speech. Pricking the egos of these celebs who know very little about the real world is never a bad thing.
He's certainly a Marmite character. I think he's great, and his series, "Afterlife" is wonderful; even if you're one of the haters you should watch it. This last Golden Globe effort was a bit tame compared with some of his previous efforts. Celebs love being abused and insulted - at least someone's talking about them.
I think he's great, and his series, "Afterlife" is wonderful; even if you're one of the haters you should watch it.
I've never been a fan but one of my kids persuaded me to give 'Afterlife' a go and I thought it was excellent and thoroughly deserving of a follow up series.
He is a complete and utter twat, desperately unfunny (Russell Brand levels of unfunny). The Office and Extras were awful. Then he came out as a Corbyn supporter to prove it.

However he did go up in my estimation slightly after the Golden Globes speech. Pricking the egos of these celebs who know very little about the real world is never a bad thing.

I'm with you on everything except The Office - I do think that's very funny and well observed, but I've never thought much of pretty much everything else he's done since.
I can’t bare these self-congratulatory media events and would never dream of watching them. I watched the linked video and Gervais was kind of funny at times, but he’s as much part of it as anyone he’s singling out. Meh.

PS I feel exactly the same about similar music events (Brits, Hall Of Fame etc). Art isn’t a competitive sport and stuff like this just tries to force a dumb ‘jock’ tribal mentality on it.
I can’t bare these self-congratulatory media events and would never dream of watching them. I watched the linked video and Gervais was kind of funny at times, but he’s as much part of it as anyone he’s singling out. Meh.

PS I feel exactly the same about similar music events (Brits, Hall Of Fame etc). Art isn’t a competitive sport and stuff like this just tries to force a dumb ‘jock’ tribal mentality on it.

yes well the way i see it - they are giving out awards to the pets who made the mediaplex the most money. cynical am i.
Perhaps. But he's got the catbird seat and he IS a comedian by trade. It's rather strange to me how that's constantly ignored.
No matter. This is one of those threads where you tiptoe around elephants and pad your Block List.

I’m a globalist and I have absolutely no theoretical issue with capitalism, so no elephants for me! My objection to say Apple is that they solder-in SSDs, solder in RAM, actively hinder independent repair, avoid taxation etc. I have no issue whatsoever with their size or success, and whilst I try to avoid Chinese made kit as the country is a dictatorship that imprisons folk for holding different political views etc, sadly just about all computers and most other high-tech kit is made there. I certainly boycott it with hi-fi, guitars etc, and will happily pay a lot more to do so, but other tech areas are all but impossible.

The multimillionaire Ricky Gervais makes a heck of a lot of money out of Amazon, Netflix, etc, more than I could imagine, and I bet his films are also available pay to view on Apple TV too (or at least were until yesterday!), so the only ‘elephant’ in this room is his hypocrisy. I’m perfectly honest about my business connection to Amazon, Google etc, I freely admit pfm would in no way be viable without them and I would have shut it down or sold it about a decade ago were it not for the ad streams keeping my head above water and actually providing the opportunity to turn it into a viable way to make a living. I have never argued anything else.

Will I allow others to use my site to attack the entities I need to keep a roof over my head, food on the table etc? Well, I think you can work that one out for yourself...

PS For clarity I feel China, as with say Russia, is an absolutely amazing country with a wealth of interesting culture. I just stand against the political authoritarianism of both. That is all I would like to boycott, a lot of individual businesses etc are obviously perfectly fine.
The multimillionaire Ricky Gervais makes a heck of a lot of money out of Amazon, Netflix, etc, more than I could imagine, and I bet his films are also available pay to view on Apple TV too (or at least were until yesterday!), so the only ‘elephant’ in this room is his hypocrisy. I’m perfectly honest about my business connection to Amazon, Google etc, I freely admit pfm would in no way be viable without them and I would have shut it down or sold it about a decade ago were it not for the ad streams keeping my head above water and actually providing the opportunity to turn it into a viable way to make a living. I have never argued anything else.

Will I allow others to use my site to attack the entities I need to keep a roof over my head, food on the table etc? Well, I think you can work that one out for yourself...

I deleted my post to avoid just this sort of pointless argument because I honestly don't feel it's a discussion very inviting of forthright engagement given you constantly lay out the rules of engagement in reply after reply, rules stuffed with the same authoritarian riff. Which is a bit head twisting, actually, since no one is attacking anyone's bread & butter if we remember the guy's a comedian -- the point of the deleted post you quoted.

And in fact, the elephant isn't what you're implying. I was thinking of something completely different and so was purposely guarded about it. As for *hypocrisy, well ... beyond the fact that the guy's a comedian, he's still entitled an opinion. But apparently not so much, given he's pretty high on a cancellation list lately and here we are going on about whether platforms will or should allow such ... what is it this time, Hate Speech or Rightwing agitprop or Anti Big Tech commie garbage ... from a comedian! I've lost track of all the *

As I wrote in the other thread on this, classic rope-a-dope. That's usually his angle.
My tuppenceworth:
He's a twat.
He knows he's a twat.
The Office and Extras were excellent.
Derek was dreadful.
Haven't seen Afterlife.
It's now customary for hosts to poke fun at awards audiences so fair game on that score.
Slagging off one arm of the business whilst simultaneously promoting your interests on another is more than somewhat hypocritical.
Well yeah, sure. Comedy is never hypocritical. And he's only done the thing .. how many times?

He began the slagging by joking about how nobody watches TV or goes to movies anymore, everyone watches Netflix (insert his self-promotion here) or some streaming service, leading to the joke about how if ISIS had such a service they'd be on the phone to their agent. The dig, obviously, at the without-a-doubt soon to come politically high on virtue ramblings during acceptance speeches.

And so everyone jumps in with the hypocrisy outrage just before they jump into the same pool with both feet. You don't think he knew that would be the case?
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