
Anyone else have a 100 day cough?

Ramipril is nasty stuff. It made me quite ill so I stopped taking it. I‘m convinced it was the cause of my recent colonoscopy and the flare up of my arthritis.
It's quite a coincidence that this topic has appeared now. Months ago my son commented that my breathing seemed laboured and when he came up two weeks ago made the same comment and instructed me that I should see the Doctor. I had to keep him happy.
In January I had a cold that was accompanied by a bad chesty cough. It kept disturbing my sleep and I was tired most of the time and it has never gone away. In April I got something like the flu and for a few days I really didn't feel like taking the dog for a walk, which is unusual for me as I believe that if you have a dog, it needs to be walked and we normally walk about 6-8 miles a day. Before Jan some of that would be running as for most of my life I have been an exercise freak (squad level martial arts before injuries became a big problem and then climbing until a heart attack made me stop as I didn't want to risk me having a problem which would risk my partner). So since then it's been calisthenics and walking/running.
When I had the flu I still walked the dog but there was one day where on reaching the end of the sloped lane I live on (it's the South Wales valleys, so very little of it is flat), made me stop for a while to get my breath back, which came as a bit of a suprise. Since Covid I have hada blood oximeter so the next day I checked my readings on getting to the end of the lane but the numbers were normal, which did make me wonder what the problem was. If O2 was normal presumably CO2 would be too, so to me that only left engergy storage/transfer (in my engineers mind).
The Doctor rang this morning we had a chat and he told me to immediately report to the surgery for some checks. So I now have to make an appointment for a chest X-Ray, blood tests next week, given Asthma meds for a month and then have to have an Asthma test. The funny thing is my breathing is currently better than its been for months, possibly due to starting to take some mentholated cough medicine and doing breathing exercises which I started when I made the appointment. So it looks like I'm getting a lung MOT, for starters. Before I went I noted down some of the lung risk factors I could think of, which I gave to him. Asthma (ages 11-16), biweekly chest X-Rays between ages 12-16 (probably a lifetimes exposure under current guidelines), Exposure to Asbestos in the1980's (exposure being cutting it with a hacksaw and then filing it to fit, without any sort of mask), Smoking until about 10 years ago and vaping since. The next few weeks might be interesting.
I had either a nasty cold or a mild flu at the beginning of March; it was worse than a cold but not quite as bad as full-blown flu. That lasted a week or two and then I had The Cough. That didn't go until the end of April (so nearly 8 weeks to clear). I'd just gotten over it when I had another cold-like thing a couple of weeks ago - that too has now cleared but I'm back with the sodding dry cough. I'm not going through 8 weeks of it again so if it hasn't eased off within another week I'll be getting on to my doc about it.

There's some really dehabilitating stuff doing the rounds at the moment - 3 people in our office called in today that they're WFH due to feeling so rough; they're people who are usually always (ie. not ones to cry off coming in at the slightest opp) so we know they must be very under the weather.
Aye my GP checked my 02/C02 levels too.

I'm still struggling to be honest, the cold and cough are just as bad.
It's quite a coincidence that this topic has appeared now. Months ago my son commented that my breathing seemed laboured and when he came up two weeks ago made the same comment and instructed me that I should see the Doctor. I had to keep him happy.
In January I had a cold that was accompanied by a bad chesty cough. It kept disturbing my sleep and I was tired most of the time and it has never gone away. In April I got something like the flu and for a few days I really didn't feel like taking the dog for a walk, which is unusual for me as I believe that if you have a dog, it needs to be walked and we normally walk about 6-8 miles a day. Before Jan some of that would be running as for most of my life I have been an exercise freak (squad level martial arts before injuries became a big problem and then climbing until a heart attack made me stop as I didn't want to risk me having a problem which would risk my partner). So since then it's been calisthenics and walking/running.
When I had the flu I still walked the dog but there was one day where on reaching the end of the sloped lane I live on (it's the South Wales valleys, so very little of it is flat), made me stop for a while to get my breath back, which came as a bit of a suprise. Since Covid I have hada blood oximeter so the next day I checked my readings on getting to the end of the lane but the numbers were normal, which did make me wonder what the problem was. If O2 was normal presumably CO2 would be too, so to me that only left engergy storage/transfer (in my engineers mind).
The Doctor rang this morning we had a chat and he told me to immediately report to the surgery for some checks. So I now have to make an appointment for a chest X-Ray, blood tests next week, given Asthma meds for a month and then have to have an Asthma test. The funny thing is my breathing is currently better than its been for months, possibly due to starting to take some mentholated cough medicine and doing breathing exercises which I started when I made the appointment. So it looks like I'm getting a lung MOT, for starters. Before I went I noted down some of the lung risk factors I could think of, which I gave to him. Asthma (ages 11-16), biweekly chest X-Rays between ages 12-16 (probably a lifetimes exposure under current guidelines), Exposure to Asbestos in the1980's (exposure being cutting it with a hacksaw and then filing it to fit, without any sort of mask), Smoking until about 10 years ago and vaping since. The next few weeks might be interesting.
wow , taly , thats some x ray exposure !! i guess they did that in those days . my FIL was also from south wales and had arthritis , he had huge xray exposure and affected him . he campaigned for years to get better care for Arthritis and the charity Versus arthritis is very largely due to his effort .I guess they are more careful now but folks undergoing radiotherapy have huge doses too
hope it goes well with treatment . this thread is great alerting folks to lung health
Thanks, think that's what the GP said it could be, the blood test should show that up if I have it in the meantime she's put me on the omeprazole.

Definitely stopped the acid reflux though but not the cough so I doubt they're related.
I had a dry cough that I couldn't shift maybe 1O years ago. The doc didn't even examine my chest, said straight away it was acid reflux. Proscribed Omeprazole and the cough cleared the next day. 10 years later I'm still on them though. If I forgot to take for even one day cough came back so I never miss a dose now.
wow , taly , thats some x ray exposure !! i guess they did that in those days . my FIL was also from south wales and had arthritis , he had huge xray exposure and affected him . he campaigned for years to get better care for Arthritis and the charity Versus arthritis is very largely due to his effort .I guess they are more careful now but folks undergoing radiotherapy have huge doses too
hope it goes well with treatment . this thread is great alerting folks to lung health

LOL. I'm wondering which was worse, the X-Rays or the Asbestos. Perhaps I will find out or (for now) I will be fine and it's just a reoccurrence of my Asthma (as theAsthma meds the doctor gave me seems to be working wonders already even after only one dose). Either way, I've got no complaints, as driving/riding like a lunatic for most of my life could have taken me years ago.

