
Anybody run a Tom Evans Groove with X adjustable loading?

Markus S

41 - 29
I have a Groove Plus SRX on loan from a friend. Unfortunately, the phono stage came without instructions for setting the loading switches on the back, and I can't contact my friend as he's away travelling.


If anybody knows how the switches work, I'd be grateful for some info. I'm assuming the top row is for resistance, the bottom one for capacitance.

Fantastic phono stage, btw.
Markus- I almost bought one blind years ago but ended up with the Ayre. I gather the groove sounds fast and incisive, not cudly?
Is there a sticker underneath?

Ha, ha - no, of course not. That would make it too easy.

I can't say much about the sound, I've only just started using it. Cuddly it most definitely isn't, sharp and incisive don't apply either. The SR stands for Super Resolution, which is a fair claim for it sound. So far, I'd say it sounds "soft" in the very best sense of the word - supremely natural and unmechanical.

Note - this is the 4.2 k quid top version. It better sound great at this price. I suspect that in the rarefied strata this phono stage moves in, it is actually very good v ... va ... val ... no, I can't get myself to write that word describing a 4.2 k phono stage.
At a guess I'd say the long switch is resistance and the shorter on capacitance, it nearly always is on phono stages. As it says on-line range is 100 ohm to 1k ohm. I'd guess each is a discreet switch for a specific value as he's unlikely to cascade them to the desired value.
Nine resistors and 5 caps:-

112ohm, 126ohm, 144ohm, 168ohm, 200ohm, 250ohm, 333ohm, 500ohm, 1000ohm

100pF, 200pF, 300pF, 400pF, 500pF

I guess from left to right on the DIP switches a set for each channel. Caps are possibly in parallel and resistors in series


I will quote all of the info from the sheets I have for my Groove+ SRX.

"What Value to Use?

Never use a value of resistor lower than the recommended value for the cartridge, as you may damage the coil. Gretarer values are ok to try.

Too large a value of capacitance will reduce the signal bandwidth at HF.

The arm cable may add an additional 100pF-300pF depending on the materials and construction."

There is then a sketch of the eight toggle switch number 1 thru 8 from left to right with the switch position at the top being labelled ON.

" Load Resistor Settings
All 8 to on position = 112 Ohm
All 7 to on position = 126 Ohm
All 6 to on position = 144 Ohm
All 5 to on position = 168 Ohm
All 4 to on position = 200 Ohm
All 3 to on position = 250 Ohm
All 2 to on position = 333 Ohm
All 1 to on position = 500 Ohm
0 to on position = 1000 Ohm"

There is then a sketch of the four toggle switch number 1 thru 4 from left to right with the switch position at the top being labelled ON.

"Load Capacitor Settings

All positions set to off = 100pF*
No1 to on position = 200pF*
No1 and No2 to on position = 300pF*
No1, No2 and No3 to on position = 400pF*
All to on position = 500pF

* pico Farad = 10^-12"

Hope this helps
strange coincidence

Monday was a boring day so I decided to run through the settings on my groove + with my newly rebuilt dynavector xx2. In the past I heard very little difference between settings, but this time the differences seemed clearer, albeit sill pretty subtle

Markus - I'd be interested to know what you think when you play with the settings, in terms of how much difference you think it makes
As it happens, I had sent an e-mail to TEAD before starting this thread. This morning, I found an answer waiting for me, confirming Neil's info. Good service from TE.

Neil, I believe you also run the Vibe/Pulse combo, but what's your power amp and speakers?

Simon, I'll report back once I've had the chance to play with the settings a bit. I've never heard the night and day differences some claim for different load values. I find it's much like cooking - some people like a bit more salt in their dishes than others. When I've been listening with friends, sometimes I preferred a different loading than someone else.
"Never use a value of resistor lower than the recommended value for the cartridge, as you may damage the coil. "

What bollocks. Would he care to explain where the energy necessary for damaging the coil would come from then?
DC on the amplifier inputs?


I should hope not! That would be very poor phono stage design.

The loading resistance and capacitance goes straight across the cartridge terminals - well at least in those circuits that I have seen. The purpose being so that the output can be optimized for maximal bandwidth without peaking (flat response).

The effect of too low a resistive load will be to over dampen the cartridge and reduce its frequency response. Whether it is possible to damage the coils ???


Speakers are Dynaudio Confidence 5. Power amps, after a long search to find something to properly drive the Dyns, are Bel Canto Reference 1000 mono-blocks tweaked by Coherent Systems.

Why not e-mail Tom and ask him. I'm merely posting verbatim the info that comes with the kit.


