
Andre Rieu. What's the view from the cognoscenti?


pfm Member
I only became aware of Andre Rieu a couple of years ago, when my senile father started asking for me to put Rieu's shows on the TV (he'd lost the memory power to work the remote control by then). As a classical ignoramus, I was quite impressed by the sound quality of the various extravaganzas.

My old mum, aged 85yrs, is just back from an Andre Rieu show at the Glasgow Hydro (birthday gift) and said the show was very impressive, although she was aware of a degree of kitsch. I'm just wondering what the verdict is from people here who actually know a good classical music performance from a bad one? Is Rieu regarded as being a bit low-brow or trashy?

( One thing I noticed was that the shows seem to feature dozens of performers, whom I'd guess are very grateful for the gig. Add in all the production crew etc and there must be a great deal of employment hanging off these shows.)
He's a media-orientated musician, like several others. Obviously a good musician, so give him credit for that. It's a matter of personal preference whether you like his style or not. The guy is totally over the top, like Liberace, but he's a true entertainer and the crowds absolutely love his shows. Here's an example. I confess to liking it and smiling several times at the humour and timing, all of which is clever and well rehearsed. There's definitely a place in the world of music for guys like him. I'm not going to knock his talent.

I guess Rieu's shows can't be a "bad thing" for classical music, can they? Is he bringing a wider audience to classical who then might go on to explore other music and performances?
I guess Rieu's shows can't be a "bad thing" for classical music, can they? Is he bringing a wider audience to classical who then might go on to explore other music and performances?
Not really, he is lite music for those who know what they like, and like what they know, and have no need or desire to expand their horizons. Not knocking them either, if they enjoy it then great.

He's the equivalent of James Last... Happy music for happy people who just want to get happy and wallow in it. Good for them! Sometimes I envy them🤣

Although to be fair to James Last, he was a genius arranger and re-composer too. His big-band version of Hawkwind's Silver Machine is a treasure.
We consider him as a musician for old ladies. Nothing to write home about musically. Just an honest performer loved by old ladies (90+).
Nobody would own his albums, even for free.
There, now you know what the cognoscenti think 😂
Your mum is possibly among his youngest fans.
People like him, as long as he's giving them pleasure then isn't that enough? No need to be sniffy about it.

Musically he doesn't mean anything to me, but he fronts music shows and in terms of showbiz he is so outrageous he's quite funny in small doses. A bit like Dame Edna without even a whiff of his genius, just a wacky eccentric. It's surprising that something so outrageous has so many ordinary mums salivating over his shows, but they did so for Liberace as well. Clearly grandmothers have secret yearnings.....
Musically he doesn't mean anything to me, but he fronts music shows and in terms of showbiz he is so outrageous he's quite funny in small doses. A bit like Dame Edna without even a whiff of his genius, just a wacky eccentric. It's surprising that something so outrageous has so many ordinary mums salivating over his shows, but they did so for Liberace as well. Clearly grandmothers have secret yearnings.....
You remind me of a quote by Pete Townsend where he talks about "Little old ladies getting their rocks off tippling sweet Sherry and listening to Mantovani" He was making the point that their emotional experience of music was just as intense as some head-banger at a rock concert.

