
Add a PS to my Ndac or Change Dac?


Well-Known Member
Recently, I had the opportunity to try a XPS with my Ndac. I tried a Pardo XPs in the past and was not impressed with it. So I was not expecting much. Surprisingly I found it to be a noticeable increase in sound quality.
After a little bit of searching, I was able to locate a secondhand power supply. At the cost of the PS I started to wonder if I would be better to purchase something completely different. Dac technology has changed quite a bit in the last few years.Very high quality dac can be had for much less. Is it time to move on ? Should I stay with my current dac and upgrade?
Move on is probably the best plan.

I'm on a Topping D90Se these days and it simultaneously the cheapest and best source I've owned at any point in the last 30 years.

You'll have change to spend on upgrading your preamp PSU.
Move on is probably the best plan.

I'm on a Topping D90Se these days and it simultaneously the cheapest and best source I've owned at any point in the last 30 years.

You'll have change to spend on upgrading your preamp PSU.
This is exactly my dilemma. Lots of great stuff for a lot less. Maybe trying some less expensive dac would be a better option. Upgrading my hicap is on my list for sure
Easy to try most stuff these days, Amazon sell Topping and other popular Chinese DACs which will give you 30 days to try one against the nDAC. Used Naim along with everything else is slow to shift and not achieving top dollar these days, likely be cost agnostic to swap to the D90.

FWIW I prefer Teddy PSU’s to Naim and owned the NDX and nDAC with TXPX’s for quite a while, also had the D90SE here for a few months among several other popular models - only way to decide is using something at home for an extended period and making your own mind up. I’d have another nDAC but not another D90.

Span off HiFi Wigwam a while ago
I am going to give the topping dac a try and maybe a few others. Unfortunately, there is only two hi-fi dealers near me. One is closing down and not carrying any new stock in the other, has mostly very high-end gear, which is out of my budget so being able to listen without purchasing first, it’s a bit difficult.

