
A thread to catalogue Tory / Lib Dem Coalition u-turns

I'm a bit confused when this thread is seemingly only aimed at the Tories. Shouldn't it be all politicians and groups?

I am sure there are nasty individuals in all parties, but we have a Tory government, so the only U-turns that actually matter are theirs. (Labour seems have parallel policies on some issues, e.g. Trident renewal, which means they cannot be accused of a U-turn whichever policy they adopt).
They're still nasty.

Exactly. I saw a journalist/commentator on the Marr Show say, with a laugh, that medical tests for the chronically ill is a gift that keeps giving to the Tory Party.

IDS brought them in when the Conservatives decided to make life as difficult and unpleasant as possible for those on welfare, while reducing tax on the rich and corporations.

Now the tests are being scrapped because May doesn't want the Tory Party to be seen as nasty.

I went through a series of so-called medical tests for the Department of Work and Pensions. They were done by somebody with no medical qualifications, whose English wasn't very good at all.

The journalist/commentator on the Marr Show is an ignorant man, who probably has no idea what it is like to be on welfare or chronically ill. The media is full of them. As for the Tories, well ...

I'm a bit confused when this thread is seemingly only aimed at the Tories. Shouldn't it be all politicians and groups?
The thread is to note 'Tory / Lib Dem Coalition u-turns'. It's mostly populated by those living in the past.

Perhaps you should start another to cover flip-flopping in general. Like Corbyn lending his weight to a campaign to bring back the shadow minister for mental health.

Such a shame -Chancellor Osborne's* gruelling Austerity efforts, simply thrown out in a day by his successor who's going to get us into greater debt. If that's not the Tory U turn of the century....

*everyone else's actually. Bullingdon only ever plays with someone else's chips.
Such a shame -Chancellor Osborne's* gruelling Austerity efforts, simply thrown out in a day by his successor who's going to get us into greater debt. If that's not the Tory U turn of the century....

What do those who previously thought that borrowing=bad and austerity=good think of the new 'fiscal reset' now that the Government have apparently accepted Labour's arguments?

What do those who previously thought that borrowing=bad and austerity=good think of the new 'fiscal reset' now that the Government have apparently accepted Labour's arguments?

Absolutely. On Newsnight just now, Evan Davis described industrial policy, investment in infrastructure projects while interest rates are historically low, and relaxation of fiscal constraint as "Theresa May's agenda". Strange that Corbyn has been vilified as a "hard left" bogeyman all year for proposing the much the same thing.
Absolutely. On Newsnight just now, Evan Davis described industrial policy, investment in infrastructure projects while interest rates are historically low, and relaxation of fiscal constraint as "Theresa May's agenda". Strange that Corbyn has been vilified as a "hard left" bogeyman all year for proposing the much the same thing.

All good for Labour: they'll be able to sell it in terms of social justice, and the Tories will pursue it in such a half-assed and conflicted manner they're bound to lose their aura of economic competence.
Absolutely. On Newsnight just now, Evan Davis described industrial policy, investment in infrastructure projects while interest rates are historically low, and relaxation of fiscal constraint as "Theresa May's agenda". Strange that Corbyn has been vilified as a "hard left" bogeyman all year for proposing the much the same thing.

I agree. There again Evan Davis does seem to really like the Tory Party, in whatever flavour, as far as I can tell.

Meanwhile, the Tories are in the process of privatizing child care services in the UK, as you can read here.

"A proposed law would see child social care and protection services opened up for private companies to run. It would also allow over 80 years of child protection law to be swept aside, in what critics are calling a “bonfire” of children’s rights. And the bill could threaten to put already vulnerable and abused children at even greater risk."

This includes disabled children and shows what is at the heart of the Tory Party.

George Osborne's family firm haven't paid any corporation tax for the 8th year in a row, according to The Mirror.

Osborne's austerity policies made sure that relatively speaking we earn far less than we did a couple of decades ago. They have also let the rich and corporations, like his family firm, pay less or no tax at all.

This is what the Tory Party is about. The media though will spread the myth that May cares and in the next breath will call Corbyn an extremist.

The only thing that will change this is a popular uprising. Momentum and various left-wing parties in Europe as part of that.

The Tories and those in power elsewhere will try and stop them whichever way possible.

OAPs in Greece have rioted and turned over vehicles because of what has happened to their pensions. The police have tear-gassed them for it.

This is what is coming down the road to the UK. The putting up of the pension qualifying age is the first step.


