
A short, but long waiting tribute to The Royd Minstrels


pfm Member
The story has began quite some time ago, when I first time read about "the phenomenon of the Minstrels" - how these small and cheap speakers can play so well, that some audiophiles keeping coming back to them again and again, going through well known quest of searching for "the best speakers ever". That time there was no chance to find the Minstrels, on a local market of my Country, so I was like - well, maybe someday.
Years later, when I moved to UK and decided to build here my hi-fi system, the thoughts about the Minstrels popped up in my mid instantly, but searching for them I found what supposed to be "double" of what I was looking for - well known Royd Doublets..which I've sold 3 months after the purchase. There was nothing wrong with the sound of the speaker. In fact, I was very impressed with the sound they were able to produce, but also there was something with overall sound of my system, which makes me think that something needs to be changed - to make it sound better.
After some time and a few more speakers, I was still not happy with how my system has sounded overall. Don't get me wrong - there was nothing like the sound was terrible or something like that - not at all! Some tracks has sounded absolutely stunning, but some always bothered me so much, that I simply can't enjoy listening to them. So I was spending more time to focus on the flaws of the sound of my system, rather then actually enjoying the music.
Eventually all that swapping of the audio gears, trying to achieve the sound without compromise, exhausted me so much that at some point I have decided to stop all that nonsense and just quit from the game, spending the free time I've got from it - to chase my dream and started learning to play the guitar. Also I've listed all my audio system for sale.
About 5 months later, most of my system was still with me (sold just speakers) and one day random idea had struck my mind: "Well, if most of my system is still with me and all I need to listen it again is the speakers....maybe it's a time to look for the Minstrels?". Following that I've done a quick search and found a good looking pair of Minstrels not very far from where I was living (about 1.5 hours drive) for quite reasonable price. See no more excuses, I've made a deal with the seller and the next day I have spent some time to hook up all of my audio gears again, giving a long waiting tribute to the Royd Minstrel speakers in my system.
Believe me or not fellows, but what I've heard in the next few days - was something I would never expected in my life. I'm not going to use a big words like "life changing experience", as by now I was quite chilled to all this audiophile fuzz, focusing for the last 5 months on gaining the new skills in playing the actual music, learning what fundamental thing for the music is the rhythm and what dramatical impact on the sound, make things like - how you hold a guitar pick (for example). So I wasn't expecting anything from Minstrels - I just wanted to hear the performance of the speakers, I was curious about for quite a long time, but never lay my hand on it. How surprised I was, when I have found that the first time in my life my audio system sounded the way...what finally makes me want to listen to the music and not the sound quality! I've listened all my "signature" tracks - the ones, I never had an issues with and the ones, I was always having some flaws with the SQ. None of them bothered me at all! Like I have zero complains at all. Music just flaws effortless and easy - with that dark, warm and lush sound, making me wanted to listen to another album, then another and then one more.
In the end of this long post, I would like to say next. I don't really know - what happened to my system, since the last time I've set it up again and why its been blessed by the "magical sound"? Was it because of the Minstrels? Was is because of the room correction of my Lyngdorf 2170, which worked so great this particular time? Or maybe it was something else? I can't be sure. However, all I know is that I've removed my system from sale and decided to keep it for myself, as the sound what I've got at the moment, I never heard before - not even at the hi-fi show, where the price of the setups were like 50 times higher then mine.
And yes, now I see - why the Minstrels gained their "cult" status, among of the other British speakers. And I really can't believe that they still costs such a fraction of the price on the 2nd hand market, being able to produce such an astonishing sound, in a right system. So if you're still in the quest for searching "The Speakers" and never heard the sound of the Minstrels - just give it a try in your system, as this experience might simply blow your mind ;-)
Joe Akroyd hit the nail on the head with those. Very musical, fun little speakers. You just have to keep an eye on the voice coil gap.
The gloop that Joe used to dope the cone sometimes leaks into the gap and restricts driver movement.
Always liked them when I've heard them. That "bounce" goes a long way and makes them difficult to criticise because they sound so joyous.
Never had any though, they don't play loud enough with the sort of music I often listen to, or have enough convincing "scale or impact" when trying to do so. Otherwise I would have a pair.
Adam Norbury, who took over the Royd name, produced some new Royd speakers.
I believe the Minstrel may have been one of them.

I bought some old Minstrel cabinets from him, fitted with the original tweeters.
He supplies two SEAS bass/mids. of the time he was using.
I got two crossovers built and made up the speakers.

OK, no Spendor BC1s but excellent loudspeakers.
My son uses them and is very happy.
Joe Akroyd hit the nail on the head with those. Very musical, fun little speakers. You just have to keep an eye on the voice coil gap.
The gloop that Joe used to dope the cone sometimes leaks into the gap and restricts driver movement.

True. These speakers sounds so great, that I can hardly imagine that I'm gonna look to replace it on something. It's literally the first time in my life, when I have absolutely no complains at all, listening to the music.
I know the problem with gumming of the drivers, but I also know that even if it happens - the solution for that problem is quite simple. Luckily my pair has zero issues ATM. Hopefully it will stay like this for quite some time ;-)
Always liked them when I've heard them. That "bounce" goes a long way and makes them difficult to criticise because they sound so joyous.
Never had any though, they don't play loud enough with the sort of music I often listen to, or have enough convincing "scale or impact" when trying to do so. Otherwise I would have a pair.

I've read many times that the people find one particular "issue" with these speakers - that they can't play loud enough. All I can say regarding this matter is that in my room I have quite a lot for the volume level to go higher. Currently I'm listening the music with -21db level and depend of the album can go up to -15db, and still have quite a lot to go higher. Can't say that my room is very small - more on the avarage side. Maybe it's the Lyngdorf room correction making Minstrels sound so full and loud?

I've read many times that the people find one particular "issue" with these speakers - that they can't play loud enough. All I can say regarding this matter is that in my room I have quite a lot for the volume level to go higher. Currently I'm listening the music with -21db level and depend of the album can go up to -15db, and still have quite a lot to go higher. Can't say that my room is very small - more on the avarage side. Maybe it's the Lyngdorf room correction making Minstrels sound so full and loud?

Just because you haven't run out of amplifier "gain" in your pre-amp ( I know, I know, that's not technically how pre-amps work) it doesn't really give an indication of how loud that is.

Minstrels are not designed to go very loud. Loud enough for most people, but not very loud. I'd be a very cautious with them too, it's not so easy to find good quality replacement secondhand drivers for them.

No matter, you are enjoying their talents within their performance envelope and there's little available to touch them, or get anywhere near doing as well, what the Minstrels do so effortlessly.
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We had some back in the 1990’s. Richer Sounds I think (?)
Sounded really fine until asked to work. Limited bass, but acceptable at low/medium levels of volume.
I liked the look of them.
They made a pleasing shape and I seem to recall the side bass port made a difference as to whether out or in. (I could be making that up, it was ages ago)
Minstrels are a great speaker.

Back in the 90’s a work colleague had a friend in Ukraine who wanted a cd based system. I suggested a Naim cd3 / Nait 3/ Minstrels as they were relatively small and could be shipped easily.

The guy trusted me, bought the kit, had it shipped to Kiev and loved it. He kept it for many years. Joe knew what he was doing.
On my second pair of Minstrels after stupidly selling the first pair a long time ago. For me they are one of the best, affordable speakers ever made. In a house fire I’d pick these up before the little Shahinians.

I think that one of the biggest factors that leaving the speakers like Minstrels in the league of the "best affordable speakers" - is the price tag, they usually selling for, on the 2nd hand market. I found that it's really hard for a lot of people, to make a judgement about something, not taking to the consideration the price, this item is selling for. That's why, instead of being just great speakers - Minstrels (and many other budget friendly vintage speakers) will always be "great for its price", "great affordable speakers", "great speakers for the price up to 150£", etc. It's not bad at all for those of us, who still have a chance to get stunning pair of speakers for the price of "avarage" audiophile graded USB cable. However, for the rest of the comunity, it places outstanding performers in the "boring budget group", being misleaded because of its price tag, which is not relevant to the sound - the Minstrels are capable to produce.
I remember Bristol hi-fi show 2022, where I've heard quite a few very expensive systems, sound of what was very far from being impressive, to say the least (mainly because of the poor room's acoustic condition and speaker placement). In the same time, one of the best setups, which impressed me a lot, was the cheapest Rega trio (integrated amp, speakers and turntable), which costs under 2K£ (I guess) all together. But the room with that setup was always half empty, when the room with Proacs was packed, as no one really taking seriously "the budget" hi-fi gears, no matter of the fact that in that particular day cheap Rega setup was sounding far better then the one with Proac speakers, which had a price tag of 60K£ ;-)
I think that one of the biggest factors that leaving the speakers like Minstrels in the league of the "best affordable speakers" - is the price tag, they usually selling for, on the 2nd hand market. I found that it's really hard for a lot of people, to make a judgement about something, not taking to the consideration the price, this item is selling for. That's why, instead of being just great speakers - Minstrels (and many other budget friendly vintage speakers) will always be "great for its price", "great affordable speakers", "great speakers for the price up to 150£", etc. It's not bad at all for those of us, who still have a chance to get stunning pair of speakers for the price of "avarage" audiophile graded USB cable. However, for the rest of the comunity, it places outstanding performers in the "boring budget group", being misleaded because of its price tag, which is not relevant to the sound - the Minstrels are capable to produce.
I remember Bristol hi-fi show 2022, where I've heard quite a few very expensive systems, sound of what was very far from being impressive, to say the least (mainly because of the poor room's acoustic condition and speaker placement). In the same time, one of the best setups, which impressed me a lot, was the cheapest Rega trio (integrated amp, speakers and turntable), which costs under 2K£ (I guess) all together. But the room with that setup was always half empty, when the room with Proacs was packed, as no one really taking seriously "the budget" hi-fi gears, no matter of the fact that in that particular day cheap Rega setup was sounding far better then the one with Proac speakers, which had a price tag of 60K£ ;-)
Yes, and no.
Part of the charm of the Mistrels is that they were built down to a price with a commensurate performance expectation. This was the intended performance envelope and they do, what they do, extremely well, but they’re not trying to do everything more expensive or more capable speakers try to do. They’re outstanding at what they do right, but deep bass? No. High volumes? No. Fill big spaces? No. Full colour and texture of instruments? Not really. And none of those things are what they were built for, and it didn’t matter for the price they were asking.
Are they bouncy and fun, absolutely yes. Are they the perfect compromise for some people / rooms / systems? Absolutely yes. And do they have charm, the ability to communicate and a convincing “reach out and touch” performance?. Yes, every time I’ve heard them. People describe those bits as magical, and it glosses over their sins of omission.
But if you try and take the design and make them “better” you get the Doublet, and in some respects the Doublets are better, sort of, at what the Minstrel doesn’t try and do - technically - but the magic is largely lost, and I’ve not seen anyone enthuse over Doublets in the same way. I didn’t like the Doublets myself when I auditioned some, but nearly bought Minstrels though, when they were new.
Very nearly.
Yes, and no.
Part of the charm of the Mistrels is that they were built down to a price with a commensurate performance expectation. This was the intended performance envelope and they do, what they do, extremely well, but they’re not trying to do everything more expensive or more capable speakers try to do. They’re outstanding at what they do right, but deep bass? No. High volumes? No. Fill big spaces? No. Full colour and texture of instruments? Not really. And none of those things are what they were built for, and it didn’t matter for the price they were asking.
Are they bouncy and fun, absolutely yes. Are they the perfect compromise for some people / rooms / systems? Absolutely yes. And do they have charm, the ability to communicate and a convincing “reach out and touch” performance?. Yes, every time I’ve heard them. People describe those bits as magical, and it glosses over their sins of omission.
But if you try and take the design and make them “better” you get the Doublet, and in some respects the Doublets are better, sort of, at what the Minstrel doesn’t try and do - technically - but the magic is largely lost, and I’ve not seen anyone enthuse over Doublets in the same way. I didn’t like the Doublets myself when I auditioned some, but nearly bought Minstrels though, when they were new.
Very nearly.
I think this sums up the Minstrels perfectly.
Yes, and no.
Part of the charm of the Mistrels is that they were built down to a price with a commensurate performance expectation. This was the intended performance envelope and they do, what they do, extremely well, but they’re not trying to do everything more expensive or more capable speakers try to do. They’re outstanding at what they do right, but deep bass? No. High volumes? No. Fill big spaces? No. Full colour and texture of instruments? Not really. And none of those things are what they were built for, and it didn’t matter for the price they were asking.
Are they bouncy and fun, absolutely yes. Are they the perfect compromise for some people / rooms / systems? Absolutely yes. And do they have charm, the ability to communicate and a convincing “reach out and touch” performance?. Yes, every time I’ve heard them. People describe those bits as magical, and it glosses over their sins of omission.
But if you try and take the design and make them “better” you get the Doublet, and in some respects the Doublets are better, sort of, at what the Minstrel doesn’t try and do - technically - but the magic is largely lost, and I’ve not seen anyone enthuse over Doublets in the same way. I didn’t like the Doublets myself when I auditioned some, but nearly bought Minstrels though, when they were new.
Very nearly.
Very well said! I totally agree that Minstrels do have their limitations (which speakers don't?). Luckily for me, under the conditions of my system, they plays so well - that for a very long time, I feel like I don't want to change anything in my audio setup, as it can make this SOUND disappear ;-)
It's great when you are happy with your kit, I never discovered Minstrels but I did find Doublets.
I bought mine new for £650 about 30 years ago they came in matching cherry veneer cabinets not sure if they had any special treatment but I still really enjoy them used mainly with Naim 62/140 (must get them serviced) and more recently on a Rogers A75 Series 2 (also by fluke with cherry side panels). I like lowish volumes but they have some real power if I crank them up, they sound and look great to me - but I do have unusual taste and I am probably cloth eared....heres to another 30 years.....
It's great when you are happy with your kit, I never discovered Minstrels but I did find Doublets.
I bought mine new for £650 about 30 years ago they came in matching cherry veneer cabinets not sure if they had any special treatment but I still really enjoy them used mainly with Naim 62/140 (must get them serviced) and more recently on a Rogers A75 Series 2 (also by fluke with cherry side panels). I like lowish volumes but they have some real power if I crank them up, they sound and look great to me - but I do have unusual taste and I am probably cloth eared....heres to another 30 years.....
It's very nice to see such a dedication. 30 years with a single pair of speakers - that's definitely something! Hopefully your Doublets will sound even better for the next 30 yeas and even better for another 30 ;-)

