
A nice news story for once.

I started this thread as a genial offering, and it is clear from its direction and drift that people prefer doom and gloom!

I think there is enough of doom and gloom already! It is real, and it's everywhere to see daily.

I don't tend to worry over most of it as there is no point in burdening myself with problems I cannot possibly do anything about.

When there are things I can do differently then I do, but on the whole there is nothing to be done about most problems, however serious ...

I consider a day when I have not scowled a little victory, and any day when I made someone smile a bigger success.

Best wishes from George
I agree in many respects, George, but I posted be because of the reality of the present situation in
this Country.
I love life and all the good things in this world, but we have to face things.

Climate change is REAL.
The Russkies and Yanks are busy modernising their nuclear weapons, and building new ones.
Other countries are adding to their stockpiles.

There are still millions of people in this world who don’t have sufficient to eat.
I could go on...

The gesture of the Christmas tree is a small light in the gloom.
I sincerely hope things will improve, but I doubt it.
I sincerely hope things will improve, but I doubt it.

One could cry with everything happening at this time of year, but optimism is key, as it's very difficult to be optimistic with a misty optic.

My father was a glass half full person when it came to politics, but then he did have Parkinson's.

