
3D printing acoustic diffusers


pfm Member
The idea of 3D printed diffusers popped into my head, a bit of web searching and behold!


Anyone tried or heard about something like this? Any advice on 3D printing and/or diffusers?
Anyone tried or heard about something like this? Any advice on 3D printing and/or diffusers?

Printing something like that would take quite some time, and not be cheap. You are better off finding cubes/boxes of the right size, and gluing a lot of them together...
google "making quadratic residue diffusers".

Loads of diy options. Just start with your favourite prime number.

Or just google "quadratic residue diffusers" for a fair range of products to buy. has a lot of info.

Not quite sure what the guy whose system is in the picture thought those diffusers would do in that location!
Rear wall diffusors are fine but yeah they are wedged almost behind a massive telly!

I am actually after something for side wall first reflection points. I want something very shallow I can stick on the wall since my room is very narrow to begin with.

I have (somewhat) absorptive 'acoustic wallpaper' already just on side walls to reduce very bad flutter echo - I found unless most/all of the side walls were treated I got nowhere, and diffusion on the whole of the side walls isn't practical for me. But I think the tone could be opened up a bit with side diffusors, I won't know till I try of course.

Has anyone used something like this?

google "making quadratic residue diffusers".
I realise the first pic I posted is a QRD but now I think about it (sorry Andy) I'm not sure the QRD types will work best on the side wall.

