

The way the software here replaces **** with stars reminds me of the way that certain religious Jews won’t write God, they write G-d. Those stars are a sign of veneration!
We had a very snobbish English teacher, he was an officer in the war, and he hated the use of bad language saying it was the product of poor living, lack of education, and no doubt lack of fiber in the diet. He was telling off the whole class for the liberal use of that word, when on of my mates said "sorry, sir I swear because I am inart F***ING ticulate"
He got 'Six of the Best' and a couple of us got a couple of strokes for the laughter!
The way the software here replaces **** with stars reminds me of the way that certain religious Jews won’t write God, they write G-d. Those stars are a sign of veneration!

That's silly, since "God" isn't a proper name anyway. It's Jehovah, or Jhwh isn't it? I figger "God" is already the euphemism, no need for further self-censorship.
The judge thought Mickey Mouse was divorcing Minnie because she had gaps in her teeth. No he said, I’m divorcing her because she’s f**king Goofy
My late dad used to tell a story about when he worked on a building site in a gap year before Uni. He heard a builder talking about inter****ingcourse, which is probably the most redundant use of **** ever.
Using speech marks instead of quotation marks in the o.p. is an example of a feck-up on the punctuation front.:D

