
2 channel sound from BluRay


pfm Member
I am thinking of using my hifi system to play movies through and am wondering if its worth investing in a Blu-ray player. So this got me wondering, will the 2 channel audio output from the BluRay player be 24bit or 16bit after its downmixed?

Thanks in advance.
Depends on the player and the output you are using. HDMI should be 24 bit, but then you have a challenge getting that signal into your stereo, unless you are using an HDMI capable AV receiver at the other end.

With SPDIF outputs, I think it depends on the player manufacturer. IIRC, Oppo will let you output bitstream at 24 bit with coax/toslink, but you should check to make sure.
Sorry, yes it won't be HDMI as I am using a standard 2 channel amp. So digital out or standard 2 channel analogue out.

Looks like I will have to research players more closely.

Best bet would be Hdmi to tv then co-ax to amp if it allows,do bear in mind that will only allow you to listen to the compressed audio soundtrack which at best will be DTS,Lossless is only available via Hdmi into AVR.
Best bet would be Hdmi to tv then co-ax to amp if it allows,do bear in mind that will only allow you to listen to the compressed audio soundtrack which at best will be DTS,Lossless is only available via Hdmi into AVR.
Agreed. That is the dilemma , facing many with non HDMI amplification facilities. As 'loseless' is tied in, with and as part of Blu Ray's copy proofing circuity. Though once heard: 'loseless sound ' belts the pants off all other modes presently in operation. No matter how high rez they may claim to be. As far as wishing for the same 'via downloading', the Web has not the capacity to do so, either now or in the foreseeable future.

