

  1. G

    Hi-Fi For Sale

    I have the following Hi-Fi equipment for sale: Brinkman La Grange Turntable with Valve/tube motor power supply Brinkman 10.5 Tonearm Thales Simplicity Tonearm Lyra Titan Stereo Cartridge - little use Lyra Titan Mono Cartridge - little use Dynavector XV-1T - little use GATE 300B monoblock...
  2. P

    tron convergence dac

    Hi all is there someone who has fresh info on tron convergence dac availability? I supposed it was released weeks ago but I discovered that the atlantic was released, the bigger brothers and not the entry level so i'm still looking forward the newborn thank you Pit
  3. P

    Tron convergence pre amp

    what are the owner’s impressions? Is it possible to have some reviews? Someone knows what mean unususal solution adopted In the producer ?

