
cd drive

  1. S

    CD/DVD driver for iMac

    Hi, Just bought a used IMac 2013 as my late 2009 gave up😡 Mine had a CD drive to copy CD’s etc This one doesn’t so need some advice on one that will work to copy cd’s that I can then get rid of the physical media. Thanks in advance speed
  2. Rushboy

    Current CD players that are good?

    Hello friends, Can someone give me a good current CD player that also works well mechanically up to 1000 €. I recently bought a new Rotel CD 14 MKII. Unfortunately it didn't run well and stopped playing by itself. Then back to the dealer, was repaired and came in a new drive. After a short time...
  3. Rosewind

    Hifi Rose USB CD Drive RSA 780 - any thoughts?

    I happened to see this interesting drive on-line. Local dealers in Denmark seem to have it in stock, so I wonder how well it would work as a stand-alone unit attached to my computer player? It is meant to be used in connection with the Hifi Rose streamer but it should be possible to use it with...

