
The Premiership ofLiz Truss. Sept 2022-Oct 2022. New PM time!

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357 MPs.
Can the anti-BJ group fix it so Sunak>Mordant>BJ?
Then the final two are Sunak and Mordant.

I very much doubt they have the numbers. My guess is Johnson is on the ticket unless legal realities catch up with him. He has shown utter contempt for the law and parliamentary process so maybe his eventual downfall will be like his mentor Trump in the courts. Hopefully he has enough time to destroy the Tory party before that!
Some idle musings I placed on another forum..
Don't take them too literally.

"As I understand it, it would take a lot of Tories plus the combined opposition parties to outvote the Govt. Whilst there's little doubt that many Tory MPs are very dissatisfied with the Govt, many also know that an election any time soon would see them out of a job, and the Tories out of office for a very long time. Given the scale of the Tory disaster, it's even possible the Tories could be wiped out in the way the Liberals were early in the 20thC.

I'm not entirely sure how a particular vote becomes a 'Vote of Confidence'...I'll have to check on that.

Also, the circumstances now are different to those prevailing in the early 20th C . Back then Labour was rapidly gaining a foothold in the consciousness of the working population, offering something fairer than the class ridden social structure and inflexible certainties of the Victorian and Edwardian periods. WW1 certainly hastened that process.

So, put simply, Labour replaced the Liberals as the 'progressive' force in UK politics.

At present, there's no cohesive ideology waiting in the wings to replace the Tories, so even if wiped out in the short term, they'll no doubt blunder on, picking over what's left of the UK that they can steal, sell off, etc.

Labour is no longer able to offer a way out of the class system etc. as that has all but gone, so the offer at present is essentially a 'nicer' form of Capitalism. Labour need to find a much more targeted and cohesive alternative to the Tories. Winning on the basis that they are the 'best of a bad bunch' isn't sustainable. That said Labour are rightly wary of pronouncing too many definitive policies and spending commitments because, despite all evidence, people, egged on by a rabid foreign owned right wing press, are still easily convinced that Labour is a 'Tax and Spend' party, so any slight error of judgement will be pounced upon by the press.

If the Tories do a 'Liberal Decline'..their replacement needs to come from some sort of coalition of Green/Environmental/Lib Dem etc. groups.

...maybe.. "

"As I understand it, it would take a lot of Tories plus the combined opposition parties to outvote the Govt. Whilst there's little doubt that many Tory MPs are very dissatisfied with the Govt, many also know that an election any time soon would see them out of a job, and the Tories out of office for a very long time. Given the scale of the Tory disaster, it's even possible the Tories could be wiped out in the way the Liberals were early in the 20thC.

I wish. Unfortunately I think a majority of the UK electorate is deeply conservative - not in the batshit crazy US evangelical / gun owner sense, but in the sense of wanting low personal taxes, and being prepared to put up with terrible public services, and also suspicion/resentment/perceived superiority to foreigners. This has been nurtured by a grotesque right wing press (particularly the Mail and Torygraph). Thus, even faced with the past decade of catastrophic mismanagement of the UK I think a good 40-50% of the electorate could never bring themselves to vote for Labour - unless Labour is lead by a charismatic centrist like Tony Blair. (I know the lefties here really don't want to hear this).

The Tories deserve to be wiped out for a generation, but IMO it won't happen, and the UK electorate will not vote a left/progressive leaning Labour party into power. Just as the US would never vote for Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren for President, even though both of them could make life so much better for the vast majority of Americans.
The Bank of England tried that with Mark Carney. He only did one thing, cut interest rates, the price for which we’re now all paying.
If Osborne had listened to Cable in 2012 (who was arguing that there needs to be a plan for growth, an industrial strategy) then government could have taken advantage of those low interest rates to invest, and Carney might have been able to raise those interest rates.
The Bank of England tried that with Mark Carney. He only did one thing, cut interest rates, the price for which we’re now all paying.

It was a good policy for business and more or less mirrored many other large economies; having lived through the last episode of peak rates with substantial borrowing i'm worried again now.

Kier was implying this morning that he could reverse the rise in mortgage costs; i'm dubious.

Stability is what we need and i don't think Boris 2.0 will bring that.
It was a good policy for business and more or less mirrored many other large economies; having lived through the last episode of peak rates with substantial borrowing i'm worried again now.

Kier was implying this morning that he could reverse the rise in mortgage costs; i'm dubious.

Stability is what we need and i don't think Boris 2.0 will bring that.
He didn’t bring stability before.Why would he bring it now. And he is an immoral liar.
It was a good policy for business and more or less mirrored many other large economies; having lived through the last episode of peak rates with substantial borrowing i'm worried again now.

Kier was implying this morning that he could reverse the rise in mortgage costs; i'm dubious.

Stability is what we need and i don't think Boris 2.0 will bring that.

A BoE chap yesterday was suggesting that rates could peak at 5%, a bit lower than expected. I hope he’s right in many ways. Trouble is, much of the inflation isn’t demand led, although as I’ve said many times, things like food have been too cheap for too long.
However the stark difference between Tory and LP (+ others) is the willingness to:

1) Impose a 'windfall tax' on the companies making huge profits via War Profiteering.

2) Being willing to go for green energy supply buildup rather that odious idiocies like 'fracking' and more nukes.

Doing those two things well would make a BIG difference to how well off we may be in 5 years time. The potential of our offshore waters for green energy is huge, and far more reliable than confining to land.
Both good policies. We absolutely need massive investment in a Green New Deal which could, if done properly, promote growth and raise wages. However, Labour have also promised to cut the deficit and debt year on year and “borrowing” is now a bigger stick than ever, so unless Labour is proposing raising a lot more taxation than it has outlined so far, I’m not sure where it will get investment from. PFI? Enterprise Zones?
He only did one thing, cut interest rates, the price for which we’re now all paying.

You keep saying this despite not remotely having made any sort of case as to why the policy was wrong, what alternatives there might be or what might have happened in any alternative scenario when we were faced with a depression level events.
I’m not against it, I just can’t see what Labour (or any other govt) could do differently given the harsh realities. We have the highest tax burden ever and still spend way beyond our means. Clobber the rich (whatever rich means) and they’ll do things differently or move elsewhere and there will be an ever bigger hole to fill.

Makes you wonder how a high tax economy like Sweden works, don't it? They don't have any businesses operating there. No rich people. No Coca Cola. No cars. No manufacturers. All the savvy business people f***ed off to Singapore years ago.
It feels like this is Great Britain's lunatic fringe finally coming up against the reality of no longer being an empire. It''s harder to make a living when you can't just club your neighbour over the head and take his stuff (after planting a flag of course, to make it all legal).

Someone should have sat the whole country down, sometime in the mid-1960's (HRH Liz E2R perhaps?), and explained in a softly reassuring voice that we might have to grow up now and put our toys away.
Tax flight of the rich is just a self-serving myth their client media [*] keep repeating. Basically rich people want to live and work in the world class cities in advanced economies.

And having known and worked with a lot of rich people over the last 20 years I can tell you they rarely if ever **** off to Switzerland, Singapore or Hong Kong and in the rare cases they do they invariably come back a few years later usually when their wife tells them to or their kids get to school age.

[*] Everyone seems to have started saying client media lately, so i am getting in on the act.
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