
Top three alternate action movies?

Hard Boiled
Charley Varrick
The Getaway Steve McQueen of course.
Alternate as not mainstream?
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Repo Man (1984)

Shogun Assassin

The Taking of Pelham One Two Three (1974) (amazing soundtrack)
Crimewave (add any two other Cohen Bros films)
Rumble Fish (add any two other films with Tom Waits)
North by North West (add any two other Hitchcock films) to define an action movie and how to define an 'alternative' action movie..
On the basis of actiony films maybe people have missed..I enjoyed:

Nikita (original, not the crappy remake..) - actually one of my top 10 films.
The Mechanic
Gangster No1
I'd suggest the .. Ridicule was Chronic.

I thought the original Pitch Black was a much, much better film.

Yes, it's a very personal thing movies, but there's just something about Chronicles that pulls me in every time I come across it on the TV and it has little to do with Vin Diesel himself -not really a huge fan- but this movie is bigger than him, it's dark alternate universe and characters, the prison moon, the special effects. ...But, yes, I also agree Pitch Black is a good one too but these days seems to move a little slow at times. But I do remember the first time I saw the opening scene of Pitch as the ships containers & engines sections were jettisoned in a last ditch effort to save the control module that may allready be too late to regain control of and land somewhat safely, at that time I thought this was one of the most exciting 5 minutes of pure motion picture sound and suspense I had ever witnessed, a big screen must see for sure.

