
GB News Channel

I thought it was perhaps a weave or something. Though he does obviously dye it now and again. It's really noticeable.
There’s no way back for him. He was dumb enough to sign-up to a vile far-right gammon/racist TV show so that is any journalistic credibility he may have had from The Sunday Times or BBC burned at that point. It’s gone. The man is a clown. I suspect even the ugly elitist Spectator may be damaged from his choices.

Not so sure. The problem is the usual one: That if the Daily Hate/etc think he may be useful, they'll platform him and air-brush/deny any 'history' that it suits them and their ends. That's how much of the UK media works.

The fact that few people watched Gor Blimey TV means many won't have it in mind. Never happened...
The annoying thing is the UK in general has hopeless political journalism and when Andrew Neil was actually doing the job he was paid to do on the BBC (i.e. early years with The Daily Politics) he was about as good as we’ve had. He’d take no bullshit from the typically slimy Tory or Labour politicians wheeled out to lie, spin or burp-up a party line every day, he wouldn’t let them deflect away to other topics, and generally knew their briefs better than they did. It is only later on that he totally jumped the shark and waved his right-wing oafishness around as a badge of honour. It is actually very easy to pinpoint that precise moment; it was when he realised he was only getting a tiny fraction of the pay of the 6 o’clock autocue-readers such as Fiona Bruce etc. Actually quite funny, but it is clear he didn’t give a toss beyond that point and basically pissed any credibility he’d built up to that point up the wall.
Andrew Null said:
I was in despair. Unlike other shows, where there are two anchors, so they can talk rubbish to each other, I was on my own.”
I'm glad he recognised he was doing that quite a lot.

So he had a 'knot in his stomach', lack of sleep, work-related stress and health problems all the time, did he? Well that's the daily lot of a lot of people in their work who aren't getting anything remotely close to £4m for it.

