
robot parkour

I remember playing with a Sony Aibo? robotic dog in a Sony store last century. The way it responded to caresses and voice commands was just spooky. Robotics is several orders of magnitude cleverer than that now. Maybe it was before its time but I could certainly see applications in mental/dementia care now
C19 has accelerated this. Robots don't get infected, don't have to isolate, don't go on holiday, can work 24/7 (with some maintenance down time, etc), do what they're told, etc

Of course robots have their own, slightly more spectacular, versions of 'pulling a sicky'

Musks Tesla Bot arriving 2022, announced today..

He even jokes about making it slow so you can outrun it, and not too powerful so you could overpower it if necessary.. No doubt he’ll get there. Scary.
I love tech and am not overly worried by the rise of the robots, it is inevtiable as processing power gets ever more powerful and the tech progresses. This sort thing scares me more, looking super real already and its still only in its infancy really

Unfortunately history tells us that the first AI robots built in numbers will be fighting machines, designed to kill the other sides civilians. The other side will have the same machines. Wasn't there a movies or two about this?
When a Deep mind algorithm turns on its CEO and folds him into himself infinitely I’m gonna pack my bags. Until then I look on helpless at the advance of stuff that looks more and more out of control yet is so additive to those that have the wherewithal to dabble in it.
Or a robot leading a jazz band with a smooth style of syncopation.
Either way you’re bound to function. Mmm, take your point. I think ‘bareback on your armadillo’ might have lost something in robot => meatbag translation though.

