
Trump Part 20

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And now we have armed militias placing illegal roadblocks around a county to "stop lefties and antifa" with the police tacitly approving and doing nothing to stop them... God how I wish a well armed guerrilla group of "lefties" would introduce these pieces of shit to their maker!!

It's not really "around the country". Probably just a couple of stretches of rural highway in the middle of nowhere.

This is the same kind of rhetoric as "cities on fire"...
I'd far prefer him to live to experience defeat and humiliation.

It wouldn't hurt my feelings if that involved confinement too.

I think that has the potential to cause legal, constitutional, and eventually domestic terror related turmoil. COVID could do the job for us.
I think that has the potential to cause legal, constitutional, and eventually domestic terror related turmoil. COVID could do the job for us.

My suspicion is if, as every sentient being would wish, Trump is defeated we will see some very ugly far-right terrorism. America is obviously no stranger to morons shooting up schools etc as-is, but I bet we’ll see a string of far-right race atrocities. Trump will likely revel in it. Through his deluded narcissistic eyes he will see it as a revolution.
The interview with Chomsky in the current New Statesman includes his assertion that "top level Republicans and Democrats" have been wargaming and "every scenario that they can think of except a Trump victory leads to civil war." Reminders have been sent to a number of military leaders of their duty under the constitution if Trump refuses to leave office. It still hardly seems credible, but what seemed like a joke to some of us is looking anything but.
The interview with Chomsky in the current New Statesman includes his assertion that "top level Republicans and Democrats" have been wargaming and "every scenario that they can think of except a Trump victory leads to civil war." Reminders have been sent to a number of military leaders of their duty under the constitution if Trump refuses to leave office. It still hardly seems credible, but what seemed like a joke to some of us is looking anything but.

Sorry, I still think that's an insane conclusion.
The interview with Chomsky in the current New Statesman includes his assertion that "top level Republicans and Democrats" have been wargaming and "every scenario that they can think of except a Trump victory leads to civil war." Reminders have been sent to a number of military leaders of their duty under the constitution if Trump refuses to leave office. It still hardly seems credible, but what seemed like a joke to some of us is looking anything but.

I can certainly picture some far-right terrorism and quite a lot of deaths as a result, e.g. shooting up black schools and typical KKK shit, but I’d be astonished if Chomsky was right here. From what I can make out the real frothing mouth-breathing tiki-torch and assault-rifle-carrying white supremacist, Q-Anon conspiracy theorist nutjobs, far-right Christian fundamentalists etc are very much in the minority even amongst loyal Republican voters. I retain the view that most Americans are decent people and would prevent this, though I am disappointed as to how little real push-back Trump has faced. It is very sad to see such an amazing country blighted and divided this way, though the UK is only about seven minutes behind. Whatever America does we do shortly afterwards.
These are small groups getting a lot of attention. It's up to the police and military to deal with them.
These are small groups getting a lot of attention. It's up to the police and military to deal with them.
My problems with that assessment are first that small groups can have big impact especially if no one stands up to them, and 2) it's far from clear that the police and military will stand up to them. I recall the example of Italy at the time of Mussolini's uprising, which could have been easily quashed by the army, but wasn't.
My problems with that assessment are first that small groups can have big impact especially if no one stands up to them, and 2) it's far from clear that the police and military will stand up to them. I recall the example of Italy at the time of Mussolini's uprising, which could have been easily quashed by the army, but wasn't.

My hope is that our next President with launch FBI probes into any and all local police forces that encouraged and supported right-wing vigilantism against protestors. Only when they realize that there are both employment and legal consequences for their actions will this abuse of power stop.
One thing that does seem to distort is the relentless coverage of Trump's "daddy needs love" rallies. The booing of him outside of the tributes to RBG seemed a rarity to outside eyes. Any coverage of Trump is usually in front of his brain dead followers waving placards they have been handed or with a helicopter drowning out anything.

I'm sure this is because Trump refuses to go anywhere else, but should the MSM be playing this game?
One thing that does seem to distort is the relentless coverage of Trump's "daddy needs love" rallies. The booing of him outside of the tributes to RBG seemed a rarity to outside eyes. Any coverage of Trump is usually in front of his brain dead followers waving placards they have been handed or with a helicopter drowning out anything.

I'm sure this is because Trump refuses to go anywhere else, but should the MSM be playing this game?

You underestimate Trump: he is popular with about 40%. Many will excuse their choice by saying it was his economic policies/employment stats. but there are a variety of reasons. I am concerned that Trump supporters will be more likely to vote...
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