
Howard Popeck RIP


Just another analog freak...
I read in a FB group that Howard Popeck passed away, is this true?
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In a FB group that Howard Popeck passed away? If not true feel free to delete post.

Famous for reversing Linn's A/B comparison tests and subsequently, in his shop, Linn went from 9 out of ten sales to less than 5. What happened? Linn wanted the tests carried out in front of listeners, so they knew when the Linn was playing. He put the 2 comparison decks behind the listeners, so they didn't see which deck was playing. Linn were not happy and retained a cool attitude to him, ever after:cool:
Goodness that’s awful news.
I spent many afternoons with HP at his London home - a really interesting and pleasant man - even more so when not taking about hifi.

His Lumen White speakers remain the finest sound I’ve ever heard from a ‘box’ speaker.
Will raise a glass later to remember happy times.

RIP Howard.
That is sad news, visiting Howard initially at his home and subsequently at Subjective Audio ( I could have lived in that place) was my introduction to Hi-Fi, it’s all Howard’s fault!
I have very fond memories, rest in peace.
@lee when did Howard have Lumen after Subjective closed?

I spoke few times at the phone with Howard some years ago, when I was in the market for an integrated and my target was the LFD Zero LE mk3.

Great person

He and Subjective Audio (who was the big tall guy who worked there, Mark maybe?) are the reason I got into listening to music more seriously. Not least when they opened up specially for me early one Sunday morning when I wanted a cheapish cassette deck, and another time when he rang me to say that they had an amp and speakers I might be interested in. A Beard P100 amp, and pre and a pair of Maggie's that were too big to fit into my mini van, so I drove across London with them hanging out of the back in the rain. No money or security, just trust. A good man.
I recall going to his home in N London, not far from me at the time, it must have been in the mid 80s.
He said that the best he'd ever heard the recently released Quad 63 stats was with a 1kwpc amp. He said it had sounded fantastic until a certain musical peak had slammed through the protection circuitry and melted the stators.
He said he'd just returned the 63s to Quad as faulty without further comment.

An interesting character!
That is sad news, visiting Howard initially at his home and subsequently at Subjective Audio ( I could have lived in that place) was my introduction to Hi-Fi, it’s all Howard’s fault!
I have very fond memories, rest in peace.
@lee when did Howard have Lumen after Subjective closed?
Yes it was post Subjective. I would guess around 2000?
I was a student in Leeds in the early/mid 80’s. I used to travel to Subjective Audio when the shop was next to Mornington Crescent tube on the train as I liked Howard. I bought a Pink Triangle/Helius Orion/Goldring something I think, the deck and arm for certain, from him and then I carried them back on the train to my student house.

At some point later I bought a Musical Fidelity Synthesis from him. They stopped MF shortly after as they were supplied with an amp without a volume knob. I recall Howard telling me that when he phoned up MF they said “So that’s where it came from” as they had a spare knob in the factory. I’m not sure this is true or not but that’s how I remember it.

When I left university and finally moved to London after a few years wandering, I went to visit him again but by this time he’d gone from the shop which, I think, became Super-Fi. Then I discovered the London Bridge Sound Organisation and Roger Macer and my journey moved to Roksan and Naim.

I still have fond memories of all of the super expensive exotica, Krell, Audio Research and the like, in the SA shop that I knew I’d never be able to afford. Oddly I can now but I don’t want it.

Howard’s death is a sad passing.
Sad News Howard was one of the early retailers of Hi End esoterica and a legend of the audio scene. He was certainly passionate about what he did and Subjective Audio gained legendary status as it certainly took a lot of drive and dedication to set up at the time. Howard was one who only sold what he truly believed in and had very strong opinions real old school, he later on became a seller of Lfd Audio products something that I had been selling from the out set and one of the few who truly understood the genius status of Dr Richard Bews.

I will all miss our conversations of the years and send my condolences to his family, sadly the body is temporary and is said the soul is eternal so in reality no one dies.
Oh no, how sad. I know him from Facebook and have him as a friend on there, lovely guy.

RIP Howard, I’ll miss your knowledge posts.

