
Big Tabs

looking backwards, going forwards
By ‘funny,’ I don’t mean amusing.

I mean bust-a-gut, tears in the eyes, thigh slapping, ‘I can’t breath - make it stop,’ films.

Obviously, humour is as subjective as it gets, so no one is going to agree.

Your Top 3 funniest film please.

We watched this (again) last week, we have it on DVD. Must have seen it a dozen times of not more.

‘Panic Au Village’ (A Town Called Panic) 2009

There is a dubbed into English version, but the original French with subtitles is the best. It loses a lot of the comedy in English.

The film gets better the more times it is viewed, we watched it recently with a granddaughter (11 years old, who I thought was going to have a fit she was laughing that much)

Team America: World Police 2004

Have the DVD and play it aboot once a year. I showed it to a friend who I thought was going to have a heart attack, we had to keep stopping the film as he couldn’t breath from laughing.
Shocking, very clever, politically astute and relentless.

Last choice is Four Lions (2010)

again, we have a DVD of the film. Ready to watch this (yet) again, maybe later.

The most British of my three choices, Chris Morris has provided me with more belly laughs than any writer I am aware of.

I will put up the imdb ‘100 Funniest Films’ list, but a lot of these films are what I regard as amusing rather than genuinely funny.

Maybe it is the British versus American sense of humour? I dunno, but many of those listed do nothing for me.

Honorary mention to ‘Tropic Thunder’ 2008 from the imdb list as that did catch me on the chin a few times.

I have deliberately avoided Chaplin, Laurel & Hardy etc and tried to go for more recent films.

Three funny, laugh out loud, whole films please.

:( o_O ;) :) :D :p
It's a wonderful life.

Laughed all the way through at what I thought was a clever satire on US values and Christianity. Then a friend took me aside and explained all the dirty looks from everyone else.
Three Fugitives is up there IMO.
...but if the comedy starts at full on pace, you sort of tire as you get to the latter end of the movie.
Le Diner de Cons - hilarious French farce

A Fish called Wanda - John Cleese, Jamie Curtis and Kevin Kline all superb. Seems to be a completely forgotten film nowadays, maybe it hasn't aged?

Burn after Reading - Coen Brothers direct Clooney, Pitt, Swinton, Malkovich, McDormand and a brilliant J.K. Simmons as a bamboozled CIA boss.
The Producers was my first thought.

I second Joe's vote for Clueless. It's not only very funny, but also sweet and touching (based on Jane Austen's Emma for those who don't know).

American Movie is a documentary but it's hilarious - must watch it again sometime.

