
Great first words on record....

Is she really going out with him? (Shangri-Las or Damned, take your pick)

I love a good bum on a woman, it makes my day.
To me it is palpable proof of God's existence, a posteriori.

Perhaps not very PC these days, but it does contain a neat Latin pun, and how often can you say that? On Again, On Again by the great Jake Thackray.

The great thing about the Jake Thackray lyric is that he follows on with the lines like
'....Please understand I respect and admire the frailer sex
And I honour them every bit as much as the next misogynist....'


Ice-T opening to his album ‘Home Invasion’


(edited for pfm by myself.)

At this moment you are listening to an Ice-T LP
If you are offended by words like:
Sheet!! - Beach!! - Fudge!! - Deck!! - Bottom!! - Lady Of The Night!! - Ejaculate!!
Dirty Beach!! - Low Motherfudger!! - Black Person!!
Sex Worker!! - Woman of Dubious Moral Fibre!! - Tramp!!
Dirty Low Woman Of Dubious Moral Fibre!! - Tramp!! - Beach!! - Lady Of The Night!!
Black Person!! - Fudge!! - Sheet!! - whatever...
Take the tape out Now!
This is not a Pop album.
And by the way; Suck My mother fudging appendage!!”

(interesting that Ice references a cassette tape, as I have the album on vinyl :cool: )
Alan Parson Project: A Dream Within A Dream with Orson Wells

"For my own part, I have never had a thought which I could not set down in words, with even more distinctness than that with which I conceived it
There is, however, a class of fancies, of exquisite delicacy, which are not thoughts, and to which, as yet, I have found it absolutely impossible to adapt language
These fancies arise in the soul (alas, how rarely!) only at its epochs of most intense tranquillity -- when the bodily and mental health are in perfection -- and at those mere points of time where the confines of the waking world blend with the world of dreams
And so I captured this fancy, where all that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream"
"I've sucked a lot of c@ck to get where I am" is a superb opening line from the acidic and humourous debut album from Regurgitator.
Suppose I accidentally got my shit together
Would I get a medal?
Or a pat on the back and a little feather

MC 900 Foot Jesus
If I Only Had a Brain
I think there is a good Dead Kennedys opener. Something like, ‘Why are you a stupid assshole? Would you really like to know?’

