
Who is brave enough to post a selfie?

Me, in the middle, July 1993. On my leaving do, Al Gosaibi compound, Dhahran.

Two years of very, very heavy drinking was coming to an end. So I went back two years later, but not as a bachelor. Another cracking few years, great social life, lots and lots of friends, but such tough working conditions.
This is the expression you often find yourself wearing when you are less than two months into a pledge not to trim your moustache for a year and already starting to worry about what food you will be able to eat without discomfort or embarrassment by the summer. Fortunately liquid is no problem thanks to moustache guards, so that's 80% of my diet sorted.


Apologies for the stuff on the sweatshirt. I was back from the barber’s and all that had come off his cape, or whatever they are called.
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The dreaded selfie! A rare photo of me on location (decided to test the flip out screen on the little RX100 III).

Apologies if I look tired - I'd only had 4 hours sleep the previous night due to storm Dennis!



Amar - it's been a few years since I last saw you but you've hardly aged a day (bah...humbug etc).

