
anyone see Rick Gervais on the American Golden Globe awards?

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And in fact, the elephant isn't what you're implying. I was thinking of something completely different and so was purposely guarded about it.

Fair enough. This really isn’t my area, I have zero interest in Hollywood culture and even less in sick-inducing awards shows, as such I don’t even understand the parameters of this discussion! I watched the 30 second clip of Gervais doing his thing thanks to this thread, but have no idea as to the rest of the event and chances are I’d not recognise many of the attendees. It just doesn’t interest me. I can think of few things I enjoy less than talent shows, they are as pointless as sport to my eyes. This is just a ultra glossy one for multimillionaires, and that includes their chosen ‘edgy’ comedian.
Yes, Gervais trousered a reputed $40 million for his standup gig on Netflix - pretty much pure profit since there’s no cast, a simple stage set, it’s not exactly Game Of a Thrones - and yet he slags of Apple, Amazon and Disney for nothing more than being rival streaming services.
I've never watched one of these shows in my life. I watched the Gervais clip the following day on some news aggregator. The attendees don't matter; everyone knows the virtue signaling is coming during the speeches. That's what the bit was about.

You have to mention big tech's contribution to any position on what's wrong with this world because they're completely enmeshed in every facet of modern life. If that's attacking someone's livelihood someone is going to be very busy playing defense 24/7/365.
I've never watched one of these shows in my life. I watched the Gervais clip the following day on some news aggregator. The attendees don't matter; everyone knows the virtue signaling is coming during the speeches. That's what the bit was about.
And he wasn’t virtue signaling?
Yes, Gervais trousered a reputed $40 million for his standup gig on Netflix - pretty much pure profit since there’s no cast, a simple stage set, it’s not exactly Game Of a Thrones - and yet he slags of Apple, Amazon and Disney for nothing more than being rival streaming services.

FFS, Amazon, Apple and disney are a helluva lot more than rival streaming services. Disney owns a lot of media brands, and we know what apple and amazon are about.
Occasionally funny, but also quite hypocritical. Generally I don't enjoy spiteful humour, so I tend to avoid him.
Oh dear. A comedian made a couple of offhand snarks at Apple and Amazon, who happen to have a combined market cap of over 2.5 Trillion, and we need to hoover up the scattered pearls caused by his comparatively meager wealth.

You know what the net worth of Ricky Gervais says to me? It says he's 130 million dollars more clever than the social media mopes dying to cancel him.
Wow, Ricky Gervais's net worth is $30 million more than Captain Kirk's?

This makes no sense at all.

Did Ricky Gervais defeat on Gorn on Cestus III? No.

Did Ricky Gervais successfully talk the M5 supercomputer into self-destruction? No.

Did Ricky Gervais pilot a starship directly into the maw of a planet-killing/eating machine encased in solid neutronium and beam back to the Enterprise mere seconds before the ship's impulse deck overloaded, the resulting explosion from which rendered the planet-killing/eating machine inoperative? I think you can see where this is heading.

Oh dear. A comedian made a couple of offhand snarks at Apple and Amazon, who happen to have a combined market cap of over 2.5 Trillion, and we need to hoover up the scattered pearls caused by his comparatively meager wealth.

You know what the net worth of Ricky Gervais says to me? It says he's 130 million dollars more clever than the social media mopes dying to cancel him.


having a go at apple in public like that isn't really fair to leftists who are loyal to the brand. how would you react if your core identity were attacked that way? sure apple exploits quasi-slave labour, but (thanks to globalism and out-sourcing) we're merely talking about china here and its robotic, homogeneous masses, not a democratic western nation of unique, special individuals.
You know what the net worth of Ricky Gervais says to me? It says he's 130 million dollars more clever than the social media mopes dying to cancel him.

Who is trying to “cancel” him? I’m clearly not following this story the way you are. For me its just a multimillionaire comedian trying to be “edgy” in front of a room of multimillionaires at a horrible self-congratulatory corporate media event. This is just not the sort of thing I could ever care about. Can we actually cancel the Oscars or whatever this crap was? If so how?
There's an opinion piece in today's Indy attacking Gervais's trivialisation of such an important platform, the platform that gave birth to Me too.. it was almost funnier than anything RG had to say, lamenting the old days when Hollywood had real class....

i don't think it was intentional satire but it's hard to be 100% sure. i mean even the headline on its own:
Ricky Gervais cheapened the Golden Globes – but worse he overshadowed vital political statements

now that the dust has settled, can we invite leonardo dicaprio to congress and get on with important politics?
Can’t take to Tricky Ricky, he just seems sneaky and a bit mean (I’m sure he isn’t but there you go) wouldn’t watch anything he was on nowadays, doubt he cares.
I thought the first series of The Office was genius-grade, but I’ve never rated him as a standup. He comes across as a somewhat unfunny version of Frankie Boyle.
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