
President Trump

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I think the GOP strategy might be let it go horribly wrong and impeach Trump and go with Pence who is bonkers but predictable and controllable.

Pence really is way beyond nuts, the concept of evolution and scientific evidence that tobacco kills being just two things this moron denies. I hate to think where he is on the environment etc.
Vuk, Pilger's interview was excellent. I suggest Don and Matthew watch it. It'll provide Matthew with actual knowledge, insight and understanding, as opposed to the rubbish written by the likes of Jonathan Freidland and all those US so-called 'journalists' who fill the pages of the likes of the New York Times with US State Department propaganda.
Max, when the dust settles I will bet my house on Trump's election coming courtesy of the older, white, uneducated and ignorant voters among the electorate - just as was the case with Brexit. Most of the issues Pilger discusses will not have even entered many of these people's consciousness.
Max, when the dust settles I will bet my house on Trump's election coming courtesy of the older, white, uneducated and ignorant voters among the electorate - just as was the case with Brexit.

Well I'd say that demographic most likely voted overwhelmingly for Trump, Merlin, but I don't know if I'd agree that this gave him the win.

Trump got 5 million votes less than Romney in 2012, and Clinton 10 million less than Obama in 2012, so I'd say it was Democrat voter apathy that contributed most towards Trump's victory.

Most of the issues Pilger discusses will not have even entered many of these people's consciousness.
Totally agree with that.
can you show me some pfm posts where people predicted anything like the contender list for this cabinet? i don't mean general speculation about his craziness, but that sarah palin would be considered for a top post. is so, then my hat is off to the person who said that and i will follow his political lead from now on.

anyhow, my predictions and personal concerns aside, why is the american press not reacting? they didn't see this coming either. all the outrage seemed to be about implicit racism and sexism.

I'm pretty sure Trump mentioned the possibility of working with Palin at some point during his campaign and that this was commented upon here.

Also, it's not true to say all the outrage was about racism and sexism (though I agree it got a disproprtionate amount of coverage and comment). I read plenty of articles about what Trump might do if he won and they painted a grim picture for anyone on the Left or who cares about the environment.

The warning signs were there and they weren't subtle.
I see Nigel the Bar Fly has been over visiting Trump in Trump's Tower and taking the opportunity to go on Fox and brief against the British Govt. I wonder when Trump will swat him- probably after his first intimate get together with Thresa?
Short interview with Chris Hedges. He paints a very depressing picture of life under Trump:

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For a "Blairite traitor" Angela Eagle talks a lot of sense:

Waking up to President-elect Trump is a nightmare that won’t go away anytime soon. It brings to an end seventy years of US global leadership and ushers in a dangerous new world disorder. Despite narrowly winning the popular vote Hillary Clinton lost in the electoral college, ending her historic bid to smash the glass ceiling and become the first ever Madam President.

That is sad enough as an opportunity lost but there is now a real fear that all the accepted norms of behaviour in a democracy have been torn up and thrown away. We saw in the UK the most brazen example of this disregard for the simple truth on the side of Boris's bus in the EU referendum and in the disdain of Michael Gove who masquerades as an intelligent man, for the opinion of 'experts'.

Then we saw it writ large in Trump’s campaign. If downright lies and conspiracy theories are propagated with such impunity - indeed, if they are rewarded with stunning electoral success - then all objective reality and integrity in public discourse is destroyed. The danger is then that democracy itself then cannot long survive unscathed.

His entire campaign was abusive. He revelled in blame and grievance, aggressively mocking the disabled, women and insulting Hispanics, black people and the LGBT community. His personal treatment of Hilary herself was even worse. He pursued a campaign of denigration designed to humiliate her whilst wild and untrue rumours were widely circulated on social media, often by automated ‘bots’. What kind of a man is allowed to parade those who made claims about the behaviour of her husband Bill directly in front of her at the Presidential debate when battling to contain the scandal about his own disgusting views on sexual assault?

Yes he revelled in his own misogyny, making most of America accomplices by association, but he went far further in telling Hillary to her face in the debates that she should be in jail. He was responsible for a gory festival of bigotry, bullying and hatred. He constantly questioned the integrity of his opponent but he also questioned the integrity of the election itself which he said he would not accept unless he won - yet he now expects everyone else to accept it even though he lost the popular vote.

Those who achieve office with such colossal disregard for the consequences of how they campaign risk reaping the whirlwind of the divisions they have created and the fear and hatred they have sown.

Welcome to the age of the American demagogue.

I read plenty of articles about what Trump might do if he won and they painted a grim picture for anyone on the Left or who cares about the environment.
Exactly, and this is why Hillary, for all her flaws, was the immeasurably superior candidate.

With all those Neocons on board, we may be getting it via Trump.
They're not on board yet, besides, Trump is the boss.

Here's more from the 'immeasurably superior candidate': Rootin tootin Hillary:

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'I advocated a no-fly zone over Syria when I was Secretary Of State, and I advocate it now'.

Why keep denying??

Denying? Me? This kind of BS pisses me off.

You know damn will that our argument is not over whether she goes around saying "No fly zone." Of course she does.

Our argument is over what it means, in particular over whether, as you claim above, 'It means war with Russia, and she know it.'

Why do you try to pull shit like this? What is wrong with you?
Denying? Me? This kind of BS pisses me off.

You know damn will that our argument is not over whether she goes around saying "No fly zone." Of course she does.

Our argument is over what it means, in particular over whether, as you claim above, 'It means war with Russia, and she know it.'

Why do you try to pull shit like this? What is wrong with you?

Don, maybe it might be best if you relaxed a little? We are debating, that's all, but I must do so honestly and truthfully, even if so doing annoys you.

This is the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff:

Don, maybe it might be best if you relaxed a little? We are debating, that's all, but I must do so honestly and truthfully, even if so doing annoys you.

I think this is the point I have decided you are a troll or ins some other way disingenuous. Your repated "that means you want war with Russia" argument would be embarrassing if my 12 year-old nephew came out with it.
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