
What amplifier do I want?


pfm Member
Looking for an amplifier that gives me the best qualities of valves but also the best of solid state bass grip/ tightness and ultimate headroom....
Good valve amplifiers don't really have qualities. They just get on with the job unobtrusively within their power rating.

Bad valve amplifiers certainly have qualities.
Perhaps one solution would be to buy a powerful super lean SS amp and shove a hobbled valve pre amp into the tape loop for flavour ;)
You would find it hard to beat an Audio Research Dsi 200 integrated. Some of the AR valve sound allied with Krell/Plinius like grip. Very reasonably priced in the US. Great value used. A sleeper.
Good valve amplifiers don't really have qualities. They just get on with the job unobtrusively within their power rating.

Bad valve amplifiers certainly have qualities.
Perhaps one solution would be to buy a powerful super lean SS amp and shove a hobbled valve pre amp into the tape loop for flavour ;)

Ok what 'good' amplifier do I want... and shouldn't all the 'flavour' come from the source?
my personal philosophy is that an amplifier cannot improve anything, so the trick is to find one that does the least damage to the signal. i use an EAR 890 valve amp, not because its a valve amp but because it seems to make the least difference. The technology is irrelevant.
my personal philosophy is that an amplifier cannot improve anything, so the trick is to find one that does the least damage to the signal. i use an EAR 890 valve amp, not because its a valve amp but because it seems to make the least difference. The technology is irrelevant.

Jem I'm using an EAR too..859

