
Most Annoying Vocalist


Senior mumbler
Those who make you lunge immediately to switch stations.

Mine has to be Eminem.
More will come to me ,but I heard his new single today and it made me shout out loud feck off as I changed channels.
Those who make you lunge immediately to switch stations.

Mine has to be Eminem.
More will come to me ,but I heard his new single today and it made me shout out loud feck off as I changed channels.

Elton John, plus an indefinite number of female singers who don't take deep enough breaths before singing so you wonder if they'll make it to the end of the line.
Jessie J, Katie Perry etc, esp those who confuse shouting with singing like that Florence woman.
I'll start off with Cher and her nasal whining. Brian Ferry if he is not with Roxy Music - no range at all.
Nasal and throaty singing, much prefer females who can belt it out. It's a thin line between shouting and shouting with style. Bjork and Cyndi Lauper are a couple of my favourites ,but I know many really dislike them ...bit like marmite.

Shakira for instance her singing is very constrained all throat and nasal ... Really gets my goat.
**edit doesn't help that her music is pants
Something Brightman, can't remember her first name, an Italian pianist called something Einaudi and, of course that Italian "tenor," whose name I can't remember.
Any of the current crop who think they should be singing through their nose, or sounding like an autotune, or both.

Anyone who sings songs which I judge to be shite. I.E. practically everybody since about 1970, with some notable exceptions.

I can understand the success of John Denver, but his fake vibrato is often extremely painful to hear.

Michael Bolton, not only the voice, just about everything sounds fake.
Don't usually get involved with this sort of thread, but.... It has to be Chris Martin from Coldplay! His weedy, whining voice just irritates the hell out of me!
Vocals can spoil a great band. Rush. Dream Theatre and Pavlov's Dog are all bands where I endure the vocals instead of enjoy. Before anyone accuses me of not appreciating distinct vocalsI love some vocalist with a unique style such as Lou Reed, Ian Hunter and Tom Waits.

