
Why Do Grown Men Let This Happen?

Lot of misogyny on display here, maybe his wife thinks an anachronistic playback system does not cut it these days and sent him off to buy a decent dac.

There is no misogyny here. We are talking about blokes who should grow a pair.
My partner still can't understand why speakers have to be more than 6inches tall; and as mine are five foot tall.....
The solution, if you have the space, is to have a little room just for all the hifi stuff. And keep it out of the rest of the cheating, no second systems. Then a degree of peace reigns.
We tend to have a cold war (20 years) of mutual destruction going on. I put up with filthy, stinky, dogs, dog sick and hair and she puts up with oil rigs, huge speakers and lots of fussing about stuff; along with long periods of absence and not listening (to her)

It works rather well and I have learned to love dogs!
Grown men let this happen because they aren't aware that a certain member here offers ground-breaking anti-galvanic low-jitter audio-ready cryo-treated computers at amazing bargain prices.
We tend to have a cold war (20 years) of mutual destruction going on. I put up with filthy, stinky, dogs, dog sick and hair and she puts up with oil rigs, huge speakers and lots of fussing about stuff; along with long periods of absence and not listening (to her)

It works rather well and I have learned to love dogs!

''Oil Rig'does that mean you have an SME deck? Or perhaps just an oil rig (domestic version)
There is no misogyny here. We are talking about blokes who should grow a pair.

Damn right - nothing to do with misogyny. It's about a flacid man not understanding the fundamentals. She proabably gave up respecting him a long time ago, when he first said, "ok, if you say so dear". She'll probably go off and have an affair, and he'll be sat at home listening to his his mp3s on her ipod dock.
Damn right - nothing to do with misogyny. It's about a flacid man not understanding the fundamentals. She proabably gave up respecting him a long time ago, when he first said, "ok, if you say so dear". She'll probably go off and have an affair, and he'll be sat at home listening to his his mp3s on her ipod dock.

The general assumption seems to be that women/wives don't get hifi and made the poor little, ball less fella send it back - based on no evidence except prejudice. And, if they dare disagree with any of the internet hardmen showing out here, they deserve (metaphorically i hope) slapping back to the 19th. That or applauding hiding it from the little woman, hardly demonstrative of a big pair.

Excuse me but mixing codeine with beer may affect my judgement.
I'm a quivering pussy-whipped cowherd too. I actively sought my wife's opinion a couple of years ago when the system was due for an upgrade, and I listened very carefully to her views. She ended up contributing £1000 of her own money towards my new pair of speakers. She's utterly tone deaf. Amazing what a bit of acting can do ;-)
They may act out the male bravado on internet forums , but in reality they slip on the marigolds at the weekend.
To avoid any conflict, early on in my relationship I confessed about my hifi obsession up front. Something along the lines of ...if your gonna move in with me you've got to put up with no holidays , a crap car and various speakers of all sizes littering the front room. I'll help with the ironing cleaning , but my hifi ain't budging !

Another trick is reverse psychology, pick the biggest ugliest speakers you can find and then actually choose the ones you wanted in the first place. Make them think they are in charge.

My hifi hobby actually dictated what house we bought in selecting the right sized front room.
the wife is right.

hifi is ****ing wasteful in many cases.

As someone who can't appreciate the works of the great messiah Knopfler I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough wiper. I fart in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries. ( arrghhh!!!)
Ha ha, that dealer has used funny descriptions in his s/h lists before.....Saw an ad in a mag where one item was described as an old bag lady or similar. At least he has a sense of humour.
I can only assume its an overused excuse (or damnright lie) to cover that the equipment was an impulse buy, is not cost effective, sounds terrible, or times are very hard. Moving to a smaller property is another one which may actually be true these days :)

My definition of a loving relationship goes something along the lines of two people loving, respecting and understanding each other.

That involves some give and take but I wouldnt make my partner dispose of an item she really liked.

Maybe filling the house with cats or teddies would be pushing it. I dont see the harm in hi fi equipment unless its an obsession filling every available space. I collect things but only think that becomes a problem if the house is jam packed full.

If my wife is demanding I get rid of good equipment, that is not a relationship worth having. I think it just shows she doesnt really care a damn about me.
It is very possible that the gentleman’s wife knows her turntables and just wasn’t particularly
enamoured with the performance of the kuzma and thought a better table could be purchased....!

