
Windows 10 picture uploading issue


pfm Member
Wasn't sure if this question was best here or in general discussion but thought I would ask here first about an annoying issue I am having with uploading pictures to my Windows 10 computer. Apologies for the length of post/question.

Up until about a month ago whenever I connected either the camera via USB to upload my pictures, or connected the SD card reader into the USB socket, I would get a prompt box on the computer to select which pictures from the camera/memory card to upload and the computer would then create a new folder for each of the dates that the pictures were taken and put the pictures in their respective folders.

Now, I get the same prompt box as before but instead of creating a new separate sub-folder within 'Pictures' for each date's pictures, the computer simply adds all the photos into the general 'Pictures' folder with no sub-folders (and often end up out of date order because of the title number that the new pictures have being the same as previous uploads). It means they are all in a pickle, as am I as to how to get it to go back to how it was before.

Can anyone more computer savvy than me explain what I am doing wrong or what has changed that can be changed back(and how to change it)? I have found that I can create a new folder myself from the prompt screen that appears when I connect the camera/card reader, each time I upload pictures, but this is a right faff when I often have a few different days worth of photos that I want to upload and want them in date folders.

Any suggestions?(*)

* except for buy a different computer

