
(Nearly) full range horns to standmounts & subs? Nuts idea?


pfm Member
Looking for some thoughts/comments.

Right now, I have a pair of Impulse Ta'us, horn loaded 3 ways, kind of the mk2 version of the well known H2s. Really love em. Have yet to hear anything better.

This week, a little thought has crept in, leaving me wondering. Let me explain.
When I was buying my second pair of speakers, back in 1989, heard a pair of AE1s (only just introduced at the time). Frankly, they sounded awesome. No box colouration, and very fast. Heard a newer pair around 10 years ago, still very impressed. The big "but" with small standmounts is that clearly they're not full range.
More recently, I ended up adding in a Rel sub and room correction into my system. Unlike my previous experience with subs, got them to integrate really well. That's leaving me wondering if I could get something like a pair of AE1s (my power amp should drive them fine), a second sub and then simply ensure they're setup well.

Is this a completely nuts idea?
I'm not even sure of the benefit. Sure, they'll be smaller, but the Ta'us work close to a rear wall anyway, so room aesthetics are not really going to change that much. If anything, I have concerns over the fact that Ae1s must be used without a grill. Whilst I trust my 8 year old. Not sure I'd tried his friends.
Interesting quandary, yet confusing ! Subs with the Ta'us? I only knew the H2 (and H6), which Jimmy Hughes used to eulogise over and I remember him listening to them a. about face in his room. He preferred them that way, but he was controversial at best.

I was also bowled over by the AE1s (the early ones) in the early nineties, but with the best will in the world, if you're a big speaker man........:).

Have you considered full range electrostatics? Either the big Quads (pure joy) or the big M.L. hybrids. I went from enormous ProAc Response Fours to my current 2905s, and don't even miss the lower bass.

There's no reason, I guess, why your subs couldn't integrate with 'statics just as well as any other speakers (but the big M.L.s simply wouldn't need them). Okay, you'd need a metre (max) behind either Quads or M.L.s, so maybe that's a no-no.

I don't favour subs, b.t.w., as I believe that any speaker is designed to operate as is. If one wants bass, one buys bigger speakers (or moves house/gets the builders in).

My two penn'orth, f.w.i.w.
Why nuts? Get a set , try em with a single sub , if they work explore more subs etc.if not sell them much can you lose?
There is only one way to find out!
I do enjoy the way horns present the music, but a well integrated stand/sub system can also sound superb.
Try it and report back.
Thanks for the thoughts guys, much appreciated.
Looks like the real way forward is to try to borrow something like a pair of AE1s for a home trial. Anyone near south London with a pair who's fancies a bake off?

As for the Ta'us. Apparently they roll off from about -3db at 26hz, so pretty close to full range, but still not there. The Rel sub is mainly for movies, which my system probably spends more time working on that music, though the Rel is in situ for music too, although it's used sparingly. As I have active and passive room correction, fairly easy to get them integrated, without having to worry too much about the room nodes.

