
MacBook Pro 2015 - Housekeeping Advice


Ayup Me Duck
I’ve been an avid user of Macs for a good while, but other than keeping the OS up to date I rarely do much, if any housekeeping on my MacBook. It has been doing a few strange things recently and I wondered if the more knowledgeable folk on here could offer any advice on best practices etc.

One thing it does all the time now, when I plug an HDMI cable in, I lose the desktop image completely and just get a screen of white noise static. It clears fairly quickly but is a little unnerving when it happens. I’ve know idea what’s causing this, is the graphics card failing. I’ve tried numerous cables and it’s the same for all, so it’s not that.

The machine has been in constant use for most of its life and is currently being used as main my work laptop. At some point in the future I’ll upgrade to an M1 machine and this will go into stock for use in other areas of my business, but that will be a while away

Thanks in advance


