
Farnell's New Site


PFM Special Builder
Well, I've just been over to Farnell's new, super improved web site. All I wanted to do was to add some probes for a Fluke I've just bought from ebay to my current order of bits and bobs. This order I've been 'tweaking' for the last week or so. I've got to find some way of spending all this overtime money I'm earning in Canada!

And the buggers have changed the site, though when one digs a little deeper it's still quite the same, just a fancy front. But the damn annoying thing is that my registration has been wiped! So no order history to re-order parts, no current running order parts list either! Back to square bloody one!

Anyone else found this? Surely it's not down to my complete lack of web skills?

I can feel a stropy(?) email coming on.....

Not a happy bunny.
Blimey - it looks like!

Get yourself a copy of their CD catalogue - it's really good, excellent searching, and you can build orders up on your PC, it will check stock levels against their website, and then allow you to order.

