
Digitising vinyl demonstrations - National Audio Show


Audiosmile will be holding two closed sessions at the National Audio Show in order to demonstrate the capture of vinyl to HD using our combined ADC/DAC unit.

We will describe and demonstrate the process, then invite listeners to participate in a blind comparison of the straight analogue feed with that passing through the processor encode/decode.

These sessions will last no longer than one hour and kick-off is 4pm on both days.

Tickets will be available from our room at the show, but you may also book a space via this thread.

if you cannot make the sessions, don't worry as we'll be happy to demonstrate throughout both days as time permits - it just gets a little noisy/crowded at times :)
Visitors to the show are welcome to bring along some vinyl and we'll be happy to burn a track to CDR while they listen. They can then listen at home via their own system.
Or bring a USB pen and we'll give you the file.
Audiosmile will be holding two closed sessions at the National Audio Show in order to demonstrate the capture of vinyl to HD using our combined ADC/DAC unit.

We will describe and demonstrate the process

Hi Robert,

Am not in England so can't make the show ... so could you possibly describe your "combined ADC/DAC unit " and how I would use it if I wanted to copy LPs to USB stick and then replay them. EG. do I need a computer as well?


Hi Rob - unfortunately I wasn't able to attend the closed demo but congrats on a great-sounding room at the show.

Also - thank you very much indeed for kindly fixing my NVA Sound Chord DIN-Phono interconnect. It works a treat!

