
DB HI-FI News events and updates!


trade: DB Hi-Fi
Hey Guys n Gals,

I thought it was time that DB Hi-Fi joined pink fish media to keep you all up-to-date with news, new products, events and basically everything that’s happening at DB Hi-Fi.

The brands we carry are brands I believe in and actually love listening to, it’s more than just a business it’s driven by pure passion!

We have a rather excellent demo room which is comfy and homely with all the toys to play with plus a nice cup of coffee chucked in for good measure!

Our website is up for people to browse through, we are currently in the process of having it revamped and to add new exciting products we have coming very soon!

We are located in Suffolk not far from the Norfolk border – it’s quiet and picturesque.
You’ll enjoy being here for more than just Hi-Fi :)

DB will soon be announcing an even stronger partnership with Leema Acoustics in the form of a Leema Centre, this means we will have the complete range of Leema products on permanent demo. Everything from amplifiers, loudspeaker, cables to the new (and breath-taking) Libra DAC.

Keep your eyes peeled for more from DB and thanks for reading :)
Hi guys and girls, just posting a picture of the entire entry series of ATC we have on permanent demonstration. Also we have a new website coming in the next 3/4 weeks!
Hey everyone I hope all are well :).

First off we have a new(and much better) website coming Very soon. Hopefully by the beginning of next month.

Also we now carry Musical Fidelity M6 and M8 ranges. We also have taken on PS Audio Jeff Rowland and Dali, we are also proud to say we are an Epicon dealer which is hugely exciting!

I'll sort some photos and get them up so you can all have a nice look.

James Dean

Here we have the PS Audio NuWave DAC

It's being bundled with an Audioquest Carbon USB cable (0.75)

RRP is £1058.99

Offer Price is £749

This is an amazing DAC at its normal RRP. The Audioquest Carbon USB works brilliantly with the NuWave, a very good pairing!

Need any information give us a call :)


Db HiFi
James Dean
We popped along to the National Audio Show on Sunday to catch up with all the guys and gals we have got to know in Hi-Fi over the past 10 months.  The show was fantastic, we saw some super exciting new products such as the new Pulse IV from Leema Acoustics along with some new speakers paired with the Elements Integrated and CD Player which truly rocked the room! AudioQuest were of course showing the NightHawk headphones which are really rather special, they are quickly becoming show favourites.  Speaking of headphones, Oppo were on hand to deliver some brilliant music with the impressive PM-1, PM-2 and PM-3 paired with the HA-1 and HA-2.

We will be hosting some dealer events in the not so distant future so feel free to keep an eye out on our Facebook, Twitter and News feed on our website for updates!

