
Cleaning the dirt from the laqueur fromm Epos Mi series speakers


pfm Member
My recently bought Epos M12i speakers in light ash, the laqueur is a bit grimy. Any idea how to clean it? Unlike many speakers the wood veneer is protected by a laquer so a furniture polish remover or invigotator not appropriate.

ANy one any ideas how to restore the clean look?
Open the bid with ordinary aerosol furniture polish and a soft cloth. If it works, great. If not then I'd go up to car wacx polish and work up from there.
You may need something like a mild abrasive such as T-cut, or even toothpaste. Obviously check on a small area where not noticeably visible if you go this route.
Pampers super sensitive wipes! The Lidl Toujours equivalent are equally as good.

Utterly fantastic with grease and grime (and poo). So good, in fact, that they make you
wonder what they might do to skin of neo-nate’s.
Pampers super sensitive wipes! So good, in fact, that they make you wonder what they might do to skin of neo-nates.
Precisely nothing, other than the aforementioned shite removal, which is why they sell them as suitable for wiping babies' arses and have them tested accordingly.
well got some Lidl Toujours @55p . Well removed some dirt if the wipes are are to be believed. I think the remaining "dirt" is the lacquer has darkend where it has been exposed to light. Thanks for the tip, will use Lidl Toujours now for cleaning all my hifi gear surfaces :)
50/50 mix of white vinegar and warm water and dampen a cloth to clean, anything else leaves a sticky residue that will attract more dirt

