
2022 biwiring

System dependent is probably the right answer.
My MBL speakers and amps are designed to be easily bi-wired.
MBL believe it is superior for their systems, and they strongly recommend it.
They don't make cables so have nothing to gain from suggesting bi-wiring.

Points of difference. Unique feature sets. Something else to wibble about on their websites. They all chase those. It's more marketing than engineering but sometimes might be both. Ultimately they believe in shifting boxes or they go bust.

Seems to me it takes ages to separate gimmicks or difference for the sake of difference from worthwhile audio engineering. Usually long after things stop being made. Not that gimmicks stop a product being great. No doubt there are loads of boanfide classics that have a few odd sales gimmicks in their original spec. And ISTR gimmick free even became a saleable gimmick in itself for quite a while.

I'd guess bi-wiring is harmless but once the speakers are sold it's done its job.
There are opinions that it is worth doing as it takes some electrical components out of the circuit which improves the SQ, you can use different types and lengths of cable to each set of terminals, some speakers let you tri wire. Other opinions are it’s not worth the cost of the extra cables and makes no difference to the SQ.

Bi/Tri-Amping is taking things to the next level and seems more widely acknowledged as something that does improve SQ.

I’ve tried both of them and am of the opinion cabling isn’t worth the £ but using multiple power amps is worth the £.

Q Acoustics have quite a detailed article on it

I cannot see why bi-wiring should reduce intermodulation distortion measurably.
Yes the bass current is reduced into the treble branch and vice versa, but unless the jumper link at the back of the speaker was freakishly non-linear, it always was like this inside the cabinet.
An active crossover is a different story

