
Devialet ‘Uncover’ 2016 News and Highlights!

HiFi Lounge

Trade: HiFi Lounge
Hi All,

Wendy and myself have just got back from Paris where Devialet held their first ‘Uncover’ conference where they invited their top dealers and distributors from around the world to Versailles, yes apparently we are one of their top dealers, I was surprised too :) The idea is to run this yearly to keep everyone up to date with all the latest going’s on in the world of Devialet, as one thing is for sure Devialet are really going places and are definitely a company to keep an eye on as they have some really big plan’s, do you remember their campaign a couple of years ago ‘One Day Everyone Will Own A Devialet’ well that is still their plan and after what we saw at the weekend it could become a reality sooner rather than later.

The bad news is that we all had to sign a None Disclosure Agreement so I can’t say anything yet other than some of the news will be breaking shortly so keep an eye on the HiFi Lounge website and as soon as we are allowed to break the news I will and then I can upload all the pictures I took :)

In the meantime I’d like to thank Devialet for an awesome event, these guys really know how to entertain and how look after their guests as we stayed at one of the best hotels in Paris, ate at the Michelin Star Gordon Ramsey restaurant and got a private guided tour around the Palace of Versailles, obviously it wasn’t all play as there was the odd conference thrown in announcing Devialet’s future plans which actually were fascinating as for such a young company they have some very big plans which you can’t help but come away being extremely impressed and as a bonus everyone within the company seems down to earth and extremely friendly.

Anyway I’ll shut up now and below please find a few pictures from the weekend, I’ve actually had to be very careful not to upload any pictures showing any glimpses of any new products but I think I’ve got away with it :)

Staying In the lap of Luxury, Devialet Style!

Day 1

Devialet Are Proud Sponsors of Renault F1

48,000 Watts Of Phantom Power!

The Palace of Versailles, Simply Stunning!

Time for some Music on a Very Special System, More News Later.

Back to the Hotel for some Michelin Star Grub!

Day 2

Started With 40 Mins of Amazing Dancing Driven By Phantom!

Followed by more stunning food, My Kind of trip :)

Needless to say a lot more happened over the 2 days but at the moment I need to keep quiet but hopefully for not too long ;-)

Thanks again to Devialet for doing things in style and for inviting both Wendy and myself and for making us feel so welcome, roll on Uncover 2017 :)



