
My snail speaker I call it Pheonix

hifi peter

pfm Member
Some of you may remember that I have been experimenting with tapered tubes which have all been fairly successful. I have now reached 3 score & ten..
Had an illness which meant I was confined indoors for a while. So started the Pheonix Using thin strips of ply to make the frame .This is why I called it the Pheonlx after making over 100 circular ribs folding the ply as I went. It fell apart, the tension was incredible, clothes pegs were not strong enough. It really was a two man job . Invested in 100 clamps, yes!! you really do need that many. I started off with a 12" driver, but, will end up with a 15" I would really like to try a Tannoy, but, an Eminance will suffice, with a bored out magnet to fit a Tannoy tweeter. It has been a real challenge. I nearly gave up a few times. I now have over 6 meters of tapered tube . Tried out the driver fitting today. That went well. It's the sheeting which takes the time.







Structural rigidity and line filling (with material) could be problematic.
I quite agree . You must realize it all started out could I actually make a shape that could work. It snowballed on me It will be double skinned .I have made a lot of large model aircraft in my younger days . This has been the hardest item that I have ever tried to build .Including a house.I was determined not to give up .The shape was the object of the project.Much to my disgust I had to pop rivet it togther . No glue I used would hold it together no bearng surfaces because of the ever increasing taper A friend works with resin so I rather think it will be on the outside . Then it will be cut through length wise with a massive band saw to attend to the inside then rejoined . There are a lot of problems to overcome I am determined to follow through

You certianly seem dedicated! I'm curious, why so many strips along the length? Why not bend a few sheets around the frame?

If you want to get the end product, rather than the challenge of doing it - why don't you have a mould CNC machined and then cast the resin or even plaster body?

You might be surprised, a shape like that could be CNC'd easily in a large slab of high density PU board. I suppose it might cost you £300. What are the dimensions? Widest part is what, about 30cm?
Hello tension
The reason I have used strips is because trying to sheet it fully is the integrity of the gluing .Because of all the compound curves you keep on ending up with bulges plus you are not sure it is glued properly That was the first rule of aircraft construction . It is not a normal taper . Yes that is a good idea . I don't have any knowledge of cnc machining or even anyone locally to be able to make me a plug .Any suggestions ?

There are lots of CNC places around. Well not lots but I'm sure you could find one on the net.

What you need to do is draw it in a CAD program.

I suggest you pop over to and show them what you want and ask if anyone would be willing to help.
Hello there . I have had a local man just now contact me to make moulds . I have a long way to go to fully shape it up . Before it is ready to do so . Thanks for the interest

Had a good yesterday.
Did a lot of sheeting .I am going to leave windows on each side all the way along, to fill it with resin so I can use a camera to see where it has gone to get it even . Also the filling then put the windows back in then make good . Then fibreglass the outside . It is not the ideal situation I have to make the best of it.

Thanks Peter

