
Royd Audio

I have subscribed but cannot go beyond the homepage.
I'm using my phone.

Hi Conan

That's OK it's just a newsletter sign up page currrently. The new website will coincide with the launch of the speaker towards the end of July.
Will this go with the amp you had on the boil too?

It's a question I've been debating for the last couple of weeks. It seems a logical step but I'm wary that it may split focus on what Royd is known and loved for. I won't rule it out, perhaps a topic for another time - plenty busy getting the new speakers sorted out :)
As I mentioned before I can't really answer any questions on that at the minute as all my energies are on the loudspeaker launch.
Hi Adam can't find a working link to the Website. Wish you luck with this venture but the doped cone approach minimal Xover was an essential philosophy of Royd that I hope is retained. They were much favoured for use by NVA with their amplification and it might be to your advantage to make contact or post details on the owner's forum (Hi-Fi Subjective) were a number of Royd users lurk.
The link in my signature should work?

The crossover adopts a very minimal approach, the cones we use are treated but not hand doped. I'm going to invite anyone who is local or willing to travel the opportunity to try them pre-launch with their own kit, but were not at that stage just yet.
Ive just looked down and seen this thread. I would love to see a speaker released with a nod to the work Joe Ackroyd carried out.

I own Minstrels and Coniston Rs. I often wonder what a Minstrel 2014 would be like if Joe was still in business (or indeed if he moved to other designs)

I think its a great idea especially if youve studied a Minstrel as a comparison point. Doped cones and a simple crossover would ring my bell but I accept that times move on and there may be a different approach.

Made in the UK is another tick on the checklist :)

P.S I want those speakers in the picture. :)
Hi Adam,
I'm definitely interested in a new minstrel inspired speaker.
I just put a wanted ad for an original pair, but I might just have to hold off and demo your new speakers.
What part of the country are you?
FYI, I have signed up for the news letter, but would appreciate if you could pm me a rough estimated price to see if they are in budget.
I'm not sue I can wait until the end of July☺
Many thanks
Signed up - Just down the road from me then. I'm after some new speakers so will wait with interest.

Thank you all again for your wonderful support. I was nervous as to how news of a revived Royd Audio would be recieved!

I'm putting together issue 1 of the newsletter this week so hopefully some questions will be answered.

I'm in Oxfordshire evozero and on the to do list is arrange a pre launch review demo and the opportunity to pre order. The date and location will be in newsletter 2.

The speakers in the picture will be the premium solid wood baffle version, the other version will be available in a choice of baffle colours, more to follow!
Just had some samples arrive this morning, nice little birthday gift :)

Hi Indy, were just applying the finishing touches. The first photos will be in the next news letter and we've short listed two venues for a private audition which will also be announced when confirmed. Subscribers will get first choice as seats will be limited :)
I was nervous as to how news of a revived Royd Audio would be recieved!

To be honest, I don't see how this is a 'revived' Royd Audio as none of the original people are involved and it isn't your intention to re-launch any of the old models. Isn't this just a new company with the Royd name attached, presumably to take advantage of remaining good will?
To be honest, I don't see how this is a 'revived' Royd Audio as none of the original people are involved and it isn't your intention to re-launch any of the old models. Isn't this just a new company with the Royd name attached, presumably to take advantage of remaining good will?

I made a similar point at the start of the thread.

The new speaker, taking nothing away from the fact that it might be totally awesome, is about as much "Royd" as the pair of shoes i have on.

Acquiring the rights to a name and making a few badges, does NOT make it a Royd!
I made a similar point at the start of the thread.

The new speaker, taking nothing away from the fact that it might be totally awesome, is about as much "Royd" as the pair of shoes i have on.

Acquiring the rights to a name and making a few badges, does NOT make it a Royd!

I understand what you are both saying but feel you are being very harsh indeed.

Joe is not around anymore and the name is not protected. I like the idea that someone would use the Royd name again. It seems clear that these guys know what they are doing and are prepared to demonstrate their products.

I actually think its a lovely gesture when they could have used any name. It gives quite a challenge in that they have something to live up to. I want Royd name to live again and surely they have the benefit of being able to test against any original Royd speakers. The Royd community could provide feedback and it could all be built upon in a very positive manner.

Its not a cheap cash in because Royd owners are a discerning bunch. If anything it involves more risk. I look forward to seeing the products and wish Adam and the guys all the best.
I don't think either of us is being 'very harsh'. In fact I think badger748 is being pretty generous; after all, he did write "it might be totally awesome". Of course it might be a great design, we don’t know yet.

It is common for a manufacturer to acquire the name of another company and use it to brand their own designs (Cambridge Audio, Wharfedale etc.). The value of that name is closely related to perceived remaining 'good will'. However, acquiring such is a business decision and it’s a very romantic idea to think of it as 'a lovely gesture' - after all, I presume this is a business and not a charity!

