
Dump The Guardian!

Let me guess, because he's a Jew?

No, because he supports the extreme right-wing government of one of the world's biggest violators of international and humanitarian law; an oppressive, apartheid state. And he supports it passionately.

The Guardian is supposed to be a left-leaning, liberal newspaper. They don't fit together!
Could you imagine a staunch supporter of the South African government working as the editor-in-chief of the Guardian at the height of the Apartheid there?
Max, why have you got yet another avatar with Hillary Clinton? You are obsessed by the woman.

It's OK, she is not the president, you can forget about her now. Or do you have a GILF thing going on with her?
Max, you seem to think that "left-leaning" must necessarily be rabidly anti-Israel like you. Why? Israel was founded on socialism, more "intense" socialism than that of the UK Labour Party, and had socialist governments until 1977. You have some fantasy-vision of "Left" as having perforce to agree with your own personal views. So the Guardian is now a servant of Zionists and neocons, as is the NYT, presumably. Why not throw in Le Monde, the Frankfurter, the Corriere Della Sera as well. You are insanely "Maxocentric." There is a world out there of far more intelligent and well-informed people and journalists.
By the way, the terms "Left" and "Right" are essentially about economics. There is no connection with foreign policy or with "doves" and "hawks." Look how aggressive the Communist Soviet Union was in taking over half of Europe after WWII, or North Korea's left-wing government. Or, for that matter, the decisiveness with which Israel's very left-wing governments fought the Arabs in 1948, 1956 and 1967.
Max, why have you got yet another avatar with Hillary Clinton? You are obsessed by the woman.

It's OK, she is not the president, you can forget about her now. Or do you have a GILF thing going on with her?
Spot on. I'm beginning to think it's almost a hatred of woman being channelled into one person.
Max, you...

Me, nothing!

Just like in the US there is a powerful Israel lobby in the UK who are massively overrepresented in government and the media and Cohen, Freedland and dozens and dozens more in the media are a part of it.

These people have been heavily involved in spreading lies, smears and propaganda about Jeremy Corbyn from the moment it became evident he was set to win the Labour leadership contest in 2015. It has been relentless!

As is always the case such Israeli onslaughts seek to tarnish by way of ascribing anti-Semitism, but that hasn't worked with Corbyn as it's obvious to all despite said smear campaign that the man does not have a hateful bone in his body, so recently the attacks have taken different form such as that he's a Putin apologist...

I'm sick of it and I'm sure many others are too. Jeremy Corbyn represents the best chance in a generation of reversing some of the damage done by endless right-wing neoliberal governments following the Neocon foreign policy that has destroyed countries, left millions dead, created ISIS, a massive refugee crisis etc.

Possibly tens of millions of British people badly need a break from this right-wing insanity, yet because a tiny but very powerful extreme right-wing Apartheid state thousands of miles away so desperately wants a continuation of governments subservient to it all these British people may have their hopes dashed due to the smear campaign Israeli shills are prosecuting on its behalf.

This is wrong! Freedland, Cohen and Co are wrong to be using their positions to so blatantly interfere in the politics of Britain on behalf of a foreign power.

If they were Russian, and serving Russia, they'd be locked up!
I suspect the Irish border may well be the death of Tory Brexit given time. The only workable option I can see would be for Ireland to unify and leave the UK, and I can’t see that happening without a fight. The other options just seem entirely unworkable and based in cloud cuckoo land.
We should do this.

Split up the people who could maybe form a coalition against the right. Bitter infighting between different factions of the left. Make sure that tory government can survive even as a minority. Because people with almost exactly the same views as me who have never worn a donkey jacket should be despised.

And this way Corbyn can be preserved with an unsullied reputation like Benn, Foot and Smith - because he will have no chance to besmirch his reputation by making decisions in power. After all, actually helping people comes second to the purity of our thought and manifesto.

(Even the Bolsheviks and Mugabe knew enough to get power first, and then prune the support afterwards.)
Welcome here (if it is indeed your first time) and agree with your post. Splitting the opposition also serves to spread chaos and prevent progress: what's not to like?
Not that I bother buying The Guardian anymore, but what is said in the CounterPunch link Max put up should concern anybody who would like the newspaper to reflect a liberal or left wing perspective.

"I have read through 100 of Jonathan Freeland's writings on the subject in the Guardian, the Jewish Chronicle and the New York Review of Books and conclude that their content should worry the Guardian staff, its readers and his employer The Scott Trust. His support for Israel is unbalanced, violates the Guardian’s commitment to liberalism and is rooted in an ethnocentricity that enables him to alternatively ignore Palestinians and justify their forced transfer out of Palestine.

"In order of decreasing importance:

* He justifies the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.

* His writing is Israel-centric and biased towards Israel.

* His Mideast world is largely free of Palestinians.

* He conflates criticism of Israel with ‘anti-semitism’.

* His narrative is largely that of Israeli hasbara.

"Ethnic cleansing condoned"

It would be interesting to analyse how The Guardian has reviewed the music of artists who are pro-PLO in the last few years. I wonder if its stance on the Middle East has infiltrated the arts columns.


