
Recent content by pooster

  1. P

    NAC 52 with stand alone Actives?

    I intend to listen at Purite Audio in North London. The SL2's are wonderful, and I am rather worried that a lifetime of listening to room influenced music will lead me to dislike a more accurate sound. However, the idea of fewer boxes, and 3 decades or more of possible advances will yield a...
  2. P

    NAC 52 with stand alone Actives?

    Will do. Likely to be arranging a listen in February.
  3. P

    NAC 52 with stand alone Actives?

    Thank you folks. 4 metres was the longest possible in my room, likely to be much shorter, so maybe the twisted shielded option is good for a starter. Had looked at an ATC pre for the XLR out option, but new leads would be cheaper. Have not heard the Manta's yet, but I believe Purite Audio has...
  4. P

    NAC 52 with stand alone Actives?

    I plan to downsize my box count by replacing my active SL2's (4 x NAP135's etc) with active speakers, probably Sigberg Audio Mantas. Can I use my NAC52 as the preamp? The speakers take XLR or RCA inputs, & I'm sure I can source suitable DIN to RCA leads, but am concerned these leads will be too...
  5. P

    SBL mk2, worth a try?

    After 2 sets of SBl's, driven active with 135s, I found a pair of SL2s, which seem rare as hen's teeth. Sound is very similar to SBL, they like to rock, but the treble seems much more revealing and subtle. (How does one describe sound?) Less fatiguing maybe? Anyways, to me they sound similar...
  6. P

    Replacing Arcam DVD player

    My Arcam DVD player died some time ago, and my wife bought a Sony player to replace it. However, music DVDs are quite unlistenable compared to the Arcam. I realise DVD is old hat now, but can anyone recommend a replacement which has comparable audio capability to the Arcam? I expect it will have...
  7. P

    NAC52 PS Blowing fuses.

    Sorry folks, I lied. It's a Supercap. Both it and the 52 are now with Witch Hat for some TLC.
  8. P

    NAC52 PS Blowing fuses.

    My NAC 52 has been left on for years, powered by its 52PS, never a problem. Arrived home today and the units are all in darkness. They were fine this morning. Anyways, turns out the fuse at the back has blown, so all switched off, new fuse put in, press the ON button, an immediate loud 'crack'...
  9. P

    SBLs... yeah I know... again

    Mk 11 SBL's really sing when on the end of a 52 played active with 4 x 135s, especially if placed hard against a solid wall. The SL2's are very similar, but with a more detailed and revealing top end. Both are capable of capturing the 'controlled violence' of recorded live music dynamics, (which...
  10. P

    Naim set-up needs more bass - what's the best option?

    A small sealed sub can be well integrated with SBL's. I used a B & W PV1, which was fast enough, and filled out the sound nicely. The SBL's were active with 4 x 135's, they respond well with more power. Now use the PV1 with an active SL2 set up, it sounds good to me in my room. Re Position...put...
  11. P

    power quoted Vs power consumption

    That I can understand, output is always less than input, it being reduced by heat production etc, but Dynaudio figures suggest that output can be up to 600W with power consumption of up to 200W. If they can do that then a Nobel prize should be awarded for solving the energy problems of...
  12. P

    power quoted Vs power consumption

    Thanks everyone. I think Dynaudio should clarify this in their blurb. There's no mention of peak or RMS. Are these speakers likely to be more dynamic than my active SBL's driven by 4 X 135s? One would hope that as they are a near 30 year newer design, the XD600 would be a significant step up...
  13. P

    power quoted Vs power consumption

    I am confused! Dynaudio quote that their XD600 active speaker has 4 x 150 watt amplifiers driving the 4 drive units in each tower, and state the output is 600 watts per channel. However, the quoted power consumption when the speaker is on is from 10 to 200 watts. I appreciate the tweeter...
  14. P

    SBL to SL2 Active ....Same Snaxo?

    Thank you again. I shall continue my search.
  15. P

    SL2 ad on Gumtree SCAM

    FYI There is an ad for Naim SL2 speakers which is on Gumtree, and Hifishark, dated 16th June. Be wary. This has all the appearances of being a scam. Gumtree are investigating it. :(

