
MDAC First Listen (part 00111010)

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* note to mods. This post not intended to make worse an already dire situation. If it's not appropriate feel free to delete.

Those calling for updates by email should carefully read TonyL's previous posts and give him support. Even if every single person who has chipped in money says they are happy with email updates, that isn't the point.

By generously giving 'airtime' to this project on HIS forum, Tony rightly (and with a huge degree of credit) feels everything should be open and published here in order to maintain his own integrity, that of the forum's and to make the best attempt possible to ensure those who have invested a lot of money get what they deserve.

IMHO your trust and support for Tony is the least you can do when considering the trust you placed in the person responsible for this whole fiasco.
All the e-mail list would do is allow John to retreat completely from this thread. Which would mean that we, all of us, would lose the opportunity to see what answers John was giving to the questions other funders of the project were asking him.

One thing I tell my students is: don’t worry that the question you were going to ask in a seminar seems embarrassingly obvious. I can guarantee that for someone in the seminar it won’t be obvious at all. Q&A is always useful to someone.

If John retreats from this thread into an e-mail list, the Q&A is lost. Do you want that?
Having read Tony's post again and the comments of others I agree that updates should be via pfm. My previous request for updates via email can be disregarded.

The desire to have a conclusion to this situation can cloud judgement in choosing the best path to get there.

Mr Westlake - you were happy to take my and others money via pfm so yes updates here please.

If there is a refusal to publicly post updates that directly impact people who joined this project from here on pfm and someone wants to quietly copy them to me I will personally publish them here on this thread without revealing the source. I don’t like this situation at all,...
really do not want to get directly involved in this, but if my hand is really forced I will and I will obviously side with those who have invested in the project through advertising on my site.
Thanks for this Tony. I agree that updates should be posted here.

If there is a refusal to publicly post updates that directly impact people who joined this project from here on pfm and someone wants to quietly copy them to me I will personally publish them here on this thread without revealing the source. I don’t like this situation at all, this is one of the most uncomfortable threads I have ever run, but by running it I feel I have a duty to see it through and I will not allow it to be hidden away until all pfm members are satisfied they have recieved what they paid for. This attempt at a highly moderated secrecy feels very, very wrong to me given the open public nature of the financing and if my hand is forced I will bypass it from a purely journalistic/editorial standpoint. I don’t want every last piece of gossip, just the hard facts; project status, time-scales, any feature-creep etc. This information needs to be right out in the open on this thread.

My polite request is that John does not force me to take this action and keeps what was always an open public project open and public. I really do not want to get directly involved in this, but if my hand is really forced I will and I will obviously side with those who have invested in the project through advertising on my site.

Thanks for this Tony. I agree that updates should be posted here.

Yes, it's good to know there is a neutral and unbiased party willing to moderate this stuff and make open communication possible. Will very much help to separate (delete) the unhelpful comments from the valid questions and criticism which should speak to John's concerns about trolls etc. It's very much appreciated.
Tony, how about a closed forum for proven investors in Westlake developments?

As has become clear recently, John's concern is about negativity from those without a vested interest but he understands and accepts criticism from his genuine customers. If we could have a quiet corner away from everyone else to be able to discuss the situation it could be conducive to a fruitful outcome. What is most important is a continuing and constructive dialogue with John, particularly for those of us who don't or won't use Facebook.

Those who matter would be served by this approach; those who don't will have to find other pots to stir.

Views welcomed.
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I think it needs to be kept public and open to everyone to see what’s going on so people can make their own minds up if they want to get financial involved with John.

I understand but, reading between the lines, that just isn't going to work for John so I feel that we might need to compromise. Besides, apart from John's genuine investors, what is the benefit of making this public...?

Until products are available, I doubt anyone else would (or should) become involved. In the case that great products do become available, of course the news should be relayed to the masses again...
I understand but, reading between the lines, that just isn't going to work for John so I feel that we might need to compromise. Besides, apart from John's genuine investors, what is the benefit of making this public…?

So let me get this straight…
John is letting all of us down, by permanently side tracking, delaying and pushing back dates. And now the idea is to cover it up?
Might as well say let's all forget about the investment on this project, a common dream for everybody John's included.

Don't misunderstand me, I really like John, he got me and many others passionate about the MDAC2 development (and other projects). But we're expecting return on an investment some of us start making five and a half years ago. Otherwise it stops being an investment and turns into a donation.
Even if some of us can accept that financial loss, what about the shared MCDAC2 dream? Is it dead?
I will not be surprised if we find out that some of the initial investors are no longer able to enjoy the product they sign in for. Time is our most precious "commodity".

If there are still enough funds for it, the only acceptable response is to finish and deliver. And it must be done publicly so that John can avoid any misunderstandings. Even if this project got sidetracked - several times, John is not just a brilliant designer, he is a good man with good intentions.

So let me get this straight…
John is letting all of us down, by permanently side tracking, delaying and pushing back dates. And now the idea is to cover it up?
Might as well say let's all forget about the investment on this project, a common dream for everybody John's included.

Don't misunderstand me, I really like John, he got me and many others passionate about the MDAC2 development (and other projects). But we're expecting return on an investment some of us start making five and a half years ago. Otherwise it stops being an investment and turns into a donation.
Even if some of us can accept that financial loss, what about the shared MCDAC2 dream? Is it dead?
I will not be surprised if we find out that some of the initial investors are no longer able to enjoy the product they sign in for. Time is our most precious "commodity".

If there are still enough funds for it, the only acceptable response is to finish and deliver. And it must be done publicly so that John can avoid any misunderstandings. Even if this project got sidetracked - several times, John is not just a brilliant designer, he is a good man with good intentions.


Well put #27. Mikas (from #10. LarsS),

I agree in what you write.
I'm usually a bit more blunt than you, maybe cause I'm not native in your language.
JohnW excusing presence here cause of trolling is simply not true. There's no trolling going on from outsiders, mainly disappointed funders requesting information on when return on investment will happen.

Whenever visiting this thread I can't stop wondering why JohnW refused my free of charge offering 2013 to PM the MDAC2 project.
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