
MDAC First Listen (part 00101011)

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Thank you - Welcome to the project.

The production will be split into 3 stages (Thus allowing you to spread the "At Cost" payments):-

1. Analogue PCB January / Feb 2016 2016 (Subject to Chinese New Year disruptions)

2. FWC chassis January / Feb 2016 (Subject to Chinese New Year disruptions)

3. Digital PCB Late April 2016 (Once completed the units can be shipped).

Hopefully this will be OK or we can reverse your Payment?

The "Lite" PCB would be a nice simple "testing and evaluation" solution as the FDAC Digital PCB is not expected until April - I aim hopefully to build the FDAC Analogue boards before the Digital PCB hits production.

Fred, You understand be only to well! Copy and Paste - or it does not happen!.....

After 4 years developing the basics of the FDAC technology I just want these projects completed (I'm truly exhausted) - with FDAC, Detox and possibly the FDAC Lite developed, I'm going to sit back and complete the VFET amplifiers as a pure pleasure project.
Hi John

With all due respect I would rather wait for the FWC FDAC ...haemorrhaging too much money on bits n bobs in the interim is adding up (Detox investment was over paranoia and scheming how to pay for everything still undef the Wife's radar) :)
The most important thing is to not wait for the FWC any longer. Every time another thing arrives which isn't going to delay things further, things get delayed further. The project is at least 5/6 months off completion. Is it my imagination or is it always about that length of time from completion?

I think we have reached a point where the most important thing is to fix a schedule and stick to it: anything which has to be changed to stick to the schedule gets changed. Can we write in blood that the Fdac will be out by end April? I don't want to sound whingey, but honestly I think that unless actually sticking to schedule becomes a priority this project is never going to complete. In that context the lite option doesn't sound like a way of accelerating anything. I can see that it might allow some sort of parachute if people want to bail out.

You have always said that the dac would not have all of the dsp/ FPGA features worked out at the time of issue, so software design should not hold things up.

I understand the genius can't be rushed, but I also can't see the point in the worlds best dac that doesn't exist.
I think I'm about to add confusion to an already confusing thread, but here goes anyway...

I was here before the MDAC was in production, and my silver MDAC was one of the first produced, and has been the heart of my system ever since. I didn't buy the MDAC because it fitted my budget, but because it was cheap enough to buy on reputation alone, and my faith in JohnW ability to produce something special was rewarded. I have compared the MDAC to many others at several times the cost, but I still have my MDAC. It went on an (extended!) holiday to Czech and came back in "Toy" spec, and that is how it has remained. I have added a linear PSU which really didn't make a huge difference, but looks nice on the rack, and I have a lovely custom built rack based on the MDAC footprint.
I was one of the first to sign up for the TDAC (search threads if you don't know what this was/is) as I'm at the age where what I have to spend on my hifi is about as much as I will ever have to spend, so I'm looking for the best I can get, without going mad. After some dithering, I also decided to join the VFET project, as having power amplifiers designed to match the speakers I own, and will probably always own, was too good an opportunity to miss. I've also bought a salvaged MDAC for my MDAC2 - not sure what will happen to that investment, as I want to keep my original MDAC to use in the kitchen.
So, for me the MDAC2/FDAC is an ultimate product, and I'm prepared to wait for it, and have no desire to compromise. I'm also impatient, and want my new toy *now* - but realise that John is working on his own, and have got used to the elastic timescale reality of John's working methods.
I've also joined the Detox project, so I have a lot of cash invested in Lakewest.

So, for some people there is a problem with the FDAC being late, and for some a problem with the FDAC being more expensive, and a worry about owning a dead MDAC in Czech with no future purpose. Others, like me (to a degree), worry about the FDAC being in a full width chassis.
Personally I can live with all the issues, and I've got time to get a new rack built, but is there possibility of making FDAC a modular multi box unit, with each element being MDAC size, and connected together by some form of BUS arrangement, so we could keep the MDAC footprint, but go higher, rather than wider, and different "versions" having different numbers of boxes. Maybe one box being the interface (knob, screen) so that one can be on show in place of the old MDAC (or even in the MDAC case) - one module could also be the CD drive, the other bits could be hidden, or displayed, depending on system layout.

Not sure if this would make things easier for everyone, or more complicated and not fully understanding the internals of the MDAC, this maybe a totally implausible idea, but its an idea.

Anyway - apologies for pouring petrol on the burning waters, I'm happy with whatever transpires, as long as I end up with the best DAC and power amp combo John's skills can provide.

I'm off to spend a week in a cottage up a mountain in the lake district, with no internet access, so I'll not be reading any of the fallout from this until the start of next month!
The FDAC and MDAC are intertwined - personally I prefer just to have an "all things FDAC / MDAC" under one common thread, we just discuss away our quite broad subjects - its a MDAC / FDAC / MDAC2 / Detox / VFET amps etc. under one single thread.

All fine by me, I just wanted to make the offer. I suspect these threads often look a bit bewildering to new members, some of which may well have joined specifically for MDAC tweaks etc. Maybe one option would be for someone to keep a FAQ in the reference area of current status of projects, options, revisions and firmware updates etc. I'd be happy to grant anyone access to the Reference Room who fancied taking on such a project. Anyone who fancies it please just drop me a PM.
I still want FWC FDAC full fat version with best possible sound quality.

Just had a thought too JohnW, would it be possible to have a fully balanced AV bypass? Or would that be too complicated? If I ever change to a AV pre/pro with fully balanced outputs it would be great as I have 5 x fully balanced power amps. Thanks.
I'd like to thank everyone who have stood by the project for there continued support. I feel the pressure as I'm aware how late I'm with the project but I work 16/7 and its hard to convey how much effort I've put into the development of this design, it has been my life now for over 4 years - a true labour of love!
Hi John,

Thanks for the table, will get time over the weekend hopefully, to look and do a comparison properly.

I think it would be helpful to many of us, to see the pricing for the 3 versions included.

I appreciate that there are 2 prices for each version depending on when a person joined the project - so I'm suggesting the addition of 2 price lines for each of the 3 versions i.e.

version lite £A / £B
version L2 £C / £D
version L3 £E / £F

Also think it'd be best if it includes all elements - hardware, tax, duty, shipping etc.

Thinking about it more, Ive not checked but i've assumed that the majority of us are european based and so the tax / duty / shipping would be similar? It may be that a price breakdown would be better so that those who don't reside in europe can do their own calculation?

Whilst I think that we all appreciate that there will be some variance in the pricing as the project continues to progress, an indicative price for each version will allow us to decide which is the best fit for each of us and our different circumstances.

Hope that makes sense. Keep up the good work and as others have said already pls remember to take a break occasionally!
What about an FDAC X-lite ?

Replaces the original MDAC board
75% of the FDAC FWC L3 MK-12345
Scheduled for release 2016-04 with some margin up to 2017-12
For a mere 3 additional development installments
To be interrupted by development of the best USB cable in the world
And dragging on till 2020

Such fun this daily soap :-D
I'd like to thank everyone who have stood by the project for there continued support. I feel the pressure as I'm aware how late I'm with the project but I work 16/7 and its hard to convey how much effort I've put into the development of this design, it has been my life now for over 4 years - a true labour of love!

I'm sure the vast no of us fully realise the effort you are putting into this project and what does it really matter if it is a few extra months late.Take things handy and don't put yourself under too much pressure. Everything will turn out splendidly in the end and if we lose a few subscribers on the way due to delays you will find that we will have renewed interest in joining from others as the great day of completion nears.
I'm also happy to wait for the FWC FDAC with slot loader, and don't need any interim product.

I'd actually be happy to wait for the VFET amps to be ready to take delivery of the FDAC if this helps ensure that the FDAC and VFETs work well together.
For £250 + VAT + shipping (to Italy) and a realistic delivery date I'd go for the FDAC lite. Happy to pay up front, not over fussed about fancy casework. Most important to me would be to get core functionality rock solid and not delay delivery with options and afterthoughts and "wouldn't it be nice ifs". What's the next move?
Your concerns noted... :)


No worries, you have my full support. Take some time off and enjoy life. If it takes another Christmas or whatever months, so what.

We'll all be waiting for the (F)DAC's of DAC's, I'm sure it'll be there eventually and worth the wait ... :)

/Take care John
What about an FDAC X-lite ?

Replaces the original MDAC board
75% of the FDAC FWC L3 MK-12345
Scheduled for release 2016-04 with some margin up to 2017-12
For a mere 3 additional development installments
To be interrupted by development of the best USB cable in the world
And dragging on till 2020

Such fun this daily soap :-D

Let's kill that idea before it even gets the slightest traction.
I'm for the full FDAC with slot loader.

On balance I would deprecate the FDAC lite, as it's *bound* to cause some delay. (?)

However, if the FDAC lite flies, I might be interested in buying one at cost as an interim, and then a full at cost later. Would this be acceptable?
I'm concerned that John is feeling undue stress on this project.:(

I believe that even though the development stage has consumed more than 2x the time John allowed in his initial costings we have not paid/contributed to this increased cost for John.

The new design and spec are now much higher as a result, which I for one appreciate greatly...the delays were worth it! (the Detox was born in between and no paternity leave was taken :)).

Personally I wouldn't mind if the development cost on both projects were now increased as required by John so that cost issues (e.g. Detox prototype PCB costs) are fully covered by all the co-investors and not just John.

The Detox may be helping John with bridging finance, although even the development time for this and subsequently the spec has increased....the development cost has not.

I want John to enjoy his work and feel fully supported both financially and morally on this fantastic project/adventure which is so exciting (for me at least :D).

I personally want to wait to get the FWC-FDAC-L3 and if there was a voluntary way to pay/donate further to this project or John's drink-fridge supplies I would be only too happy to others here agree?:)

I don't know of any other talented designer who is so committed to looking after his fans and offering so much IP for so little.
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