
Hillary Clinton announces she's running


pfm Member
I saw the front cover of The Economist with the headline, "What does Hilary stand for ?"

I thought ...... that won't be a long article.
So the likely choice will be between her & another Bush?
I have met HC on board a plane. She spent the vast majority of the flight reading pretty serious material. She was polite, engaging & seemed genuine enough.
As I know very little of USA politics, why is she so unpopular?
Surely intellectually she's in a different class to the Bush dynasty?
I saw the front cover of The Economist with the headline, "What does Hilary stand for ?"

I thought ...... that won't be a long article.

In the end, all I need to know before placing my vote is "She's Not A Republican".
18 months of myopic sheeples and left wing retards. Social media feeds already have the “Hillary for Pres” soap boxers. Not sure I can make it through.
So the likely choice will be between her & another Bush?
I have met HC on board a plane. She spent the vast majority of the flight reading pretty serious material. She was polite, engaging & seemed genuine enough.
As I know very little of USA politics, why is she so unpopular?
Surely intellectually she's in a different class to the Bush dynasty?

Is she unpopular?
Perhaps they would consider swapping her for Millipede, I'm looking for someone to vote for, otherwise Cleggy it is.
I never cease to be amazed at the general capacity for ignoring policy, intent, capability, motivation, etc., etc., etc., in favour of a judgement made on the shape of someones face.
I never cease to be amazed at the general capacity for ignoring policy, intent, capability, motivation, etc., etc., etc., in favour of a judgement made on the shape of someones face.

Oh really, if only everyone voted left spart. It would be so much simpler, chronically dull and austere, but simpler. ;)
I never cease to be amazed at the general capacity for ignoring policy, intent, capability, motivation, etc., etc., etc., in favour of a judgement made on the shape of someones face.

I'm sure Milipede scores highly on intent and motivation. I'm less sure about the policy and capability bits though. I couldn't give a toss what shape his face is.
Among Republicans?- Yes.

Among intelligent voters? - No.

Make of that what you will. :rolleyes:

Good response. I think many on the left are a little wary of Hillary as they feel she may be too center right for their tastes, but almost all on the left would take her over ANY of the GOP candidates.

I'd like to see a Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren ticket, but I fear that Elizabeth Warren says too many obvious truths for a national election.
I'd like to see a Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren ticket, but I fear that Elizabeth Warren says too many obvious truths for a national election.
I'd vote for that ticket if allowed. Job done.
Hilary is just awful.

How about Rand Paul and Elizabeth Warren ? Go together as a ticket but without parties.

I'm not joking either.

When it comes to how much tax and how much spend and what will be spent on, that will more be decided ultimately by the Congress and Senate. There shouldn't be too much concern about the President and VP fundamental differences there. It seems to me more relevant what stances they have, that coincide. Rand Paul is hardly perfect and he is somewhat compromised in having to play the usual game to an extent, but, he's an awful lot better than those terrible establishment Reps.

Ok, so if mixing one each from the two parties is too outlandish for you, how about, either one of them paired with ........................... Jesse Ventura for VP. To get Jesse on board he/she would have to stand as an independent who happens to be a member of one of the parties.

That would be a winner ! What a great ticket, either way.
So the likely choice will be between her & another Bush?
I have met HC on board a plane. She spent the vast majority of the flight reading pretty serious material. She was polite, engaging & seemed genuine enough.
As I know very little of USA politics, why is she so unpopular?
Surely intellectually she's in a different class to the Bush dynasty?

My toe jam easily exceeds that criterion!
Here's what somebody just posted elsewhere re the U.S. government.

What is needed is not going to happen because this country is divided. Half know or suspect what's going on and the other half is blind or chooses to be ignorant. In order to stop the agenda of the New World Order and take back our country, it is absolutely necessary that no one vote!!! That's right I said it. Every time we vote for the lesser of two evils we are deceiving ourselves. If the entire country abstained, they would be forced out and be left no choice but to surrender to the needs of the people! But it won't happen because Americans share a "me" philosophy. People criticize the French. But I bet there are very few out there who know about an incident that occurred years back. The French got tired of paying high prices for internet use. So the entire country banded together and refused to use the internet for a full 24 hours!! It cost the internet servers millions. That's how you take back the country. How do you destroy the Rothschild hold on banks? Everyone withdraw money from the banks! Every issue here is about money. Nothing will change in this country until Americans start truly caring about it!! It doesn't look like that is about to happen. This government has never been about the people. The sooner you all wake up to that fact, the sooner we can clean house. I bet you all still think there's a constitution!! Well here's a news flash! FDR suspended it in 1933 when he sold America to the Rothchild thugs. Do not take my word for this. Spend some of your Facebook time and do some research. It's all a matter of public record. Oh and by the way Kennedy and everyone else who has tried to expose this ended up dead. JFK said no to nukes for Israel, was for a more moderate stance on Castro, and was on to the New World Order, when he did a speech about a secrecy that was bent on controlling the country. 3 strikes your out; so they took him out!
Am having trouble finding your source, or is that what they want me to think? As for advocating research via facebook

It's from a conversation on a private Face book group I'm a member of. An anti Hasbara group :)

Spying is accepted as par for the course. It's what 'they' do with the knowledge is the problem. A friend's LinkedIn account was recently hacked and false posts made in his name. Then his employer was emailed with links to the false posts, which were not exactly nice. He barely kept his job!

