
Actor Michael Sheen's Excellent Speech Slams Parties About The NHS Cuts

NHS hospitals owe £80bn in PFI loan unitary charges. Between 1997 and 2008 90% of all hospital constrution was paid for using PFI.
PFI is a way of funding public infrastructure using private capital.

Precisely. I wonder who's mates of whom are those who put up the private capital?

The whole....Tory is bad, Labour is better argument is cobblers. I don't give a crap who's in power, I would just like the basic services to operate to some degree of competency and at least where I live, we don't get that and haven't for decades now.
The whole....Tory is bad, Labour is better argument is cobblers. I don't give a crap who's in power, I would just like the basic services to operate to some degree of competency and at least where I live, we don't get that and haven't for decades now.

Plus One.

The NHS is frankly a shambles in many areas and I cannot see any government having the will or capability of sorting it out.

It needs a wholesale change of culture at the moment.
Actor Michael Sheen has made a great speech about the role of the Tories and the other political parties in the NHS cuts.

Sheen quotes Aneurin Bevan by saying how he had a deep burning hatred for the Tory Party. He castigates today's brand neutral political parties, who are scared about saying what they feel for fear of alienating part of the electorate. This is why they all more or less say the same thing.

So what we need is more hatred in politics. I see.

Hmmmmm....'The only serious black mark against the NHS was its poor record on keeping people alive.'

I guess it depends on what you think is a good service. Friends and family that have had tests and analysis resulting in the need for a cancer related operation that have taken 5+ months each time with blood tests, MRI scan, ultrasound etc. when another friend who lives in South Africa had the same set of tests diagnosing cancer leading to an operation.... and his took 1 and a half weeks. It takes longer than that for the NHs to organise just a blood test and get the result and then make an appointment to see the patient.

How about a friend's disabled boy in hospital who's family noticed he had what looked like a bone sticking out of his arm so asked for an x-Ray and was told to drive him to his GP so he can be referred back to the same hospital as they didn't want it coming out of their budget??

Nearly all the hospitals that surround the area I live are in special measures. The nearest, and the one that services my district, has been on the list since the Stafford hospital scandal and hasn't shown any improvement since. So maybe the postcode you live in dictates the service you get??

Ha :D

The only part I can believe is that the UK spends less on healthcare than most civilized nations.

If you want to know the truth ask people like me, or those I see on trollies in corridors or sitting in waiting rooms for twelve hours.

Ask those waiting three months to see overpaid consultants who are treated as if they were gods.

There's currently a blame culture running throughout the NHS that is paralyzing it IME. The inefficiencies I have seen have been remarkable. I have GP's and former GP's tearing their hair out because the system prevents them from doing their jobs properly. Ask them.
How about a friend's disabled boy in hospital who's family noticed he had what looked like a bone sticking out of his arm so asked for an x-Ray and was told to drive him to his GP so he can be referred back to the same hospital as they didn't want it coming out of their budget??

I had the opposite happen just last week. Went to see the GP as my other shoulder started hurting a few months ago (had the tendon repaired in my R shoulder last year)

He agreed it is the same thing but wouldn't book an MRI or refer me to a specialist as it is not my writing arm or a critical case. I can't lift my arm sideways more than a few inches and putting on a coat is agony. He was more than happy to give me a prescription for tramadol though.

The moment I mentioned I have medical insurance he was up like a shot to get some brochures with consultants names and said a referral letter would be ready that afternoon.

I jokingly commented "that made you jump up" and he said "yes, happy to refer as it doesn't come out of our budget"

Give GP's control over a budget and they will stop caring about the service they provide and will become bean counters.
After reading what Sean99 put on here yesterday regarding healthcare in the USA, I am taking note.
Anecdotes are anecdotes. The bigger picture is that the NHS overall provides exceptionally good care. No-one is saying it's perfect, but there are no "NHS cuts", which is the purported subject of this silly thread.
Plus One.

The NHS is frankly a shambles in many areas and I cannot see any government having the will or capability of sorting it out.

It needs a wholesale change of culture at the moment.
Hardly a surprise since you claim to have been let down by the NHS. Makes your opinion rather biased, I'd say.

If you want to know the truth ask people like me
You're having a laugh.

There's currently a blame culture running throughout the NHS that is paralyzing it IME.
It's what fear for your job does so tell the tories. Cameron wants to jail people who make a mistake, typical authoritarian reaction that will make matters worse. That will paralyse it for sure because nobody will want to work in any part of health, whether it be hospitals, care homes or social services.
NHS hospitals owe £80bn in PFI loan unitary charges. Between 1997 and 2008 90% of all hospital constrution was paid for using PFI.
PFI is a way of funding public infrastructure using private capital.

Something had to be done after 19 years of tory neglect.

What would have been your solution for recovering the situation, or are you in the dark at how bad it was?
Actor Michael Sheen has made a great speech about the role of the Tories and the other political parties in the NHS cuts.

Sheen quotes Aneurin Bevan by saying how he had a deep burning hatred for the Tory Party. He castigates today's brand neutral political parties, who are scared about saying what they feel for fear of alienating part of the electorate. This is why they all more or less say the same thing.

As Bevan pointed out: "We know what happens to those who stay in the middle of the road - they get run down."

It's about time the f***ing Labour Party woke up to reality instead of playing their endless Neoliberal cards. Don't take only £3,000 off University fees, make them free. The taxpayer should pay for education and the NHS.

Meanwhile hit the c**ting corporations like Google and Amazon first and the rich who pay no tax. It doesn't take a genius to work out what to do.


I`m sure that I would, like every other person with any feeling , want every person in the country to have available to them everything that medical science can offer

I too believe that everyone should pay their fair share of tax , so I hold no brief for companies like Amazon who (legally?) dodge paying their fair share

However, I`m not sure that the measures you suggest would add fact I`m pretty sure they wouldn't so a compromise has to be reached, where, regrettably there has to some form of rationing in healthcare

Unless you can persuade all who work in the NHS to do so for a pittance..

Anecdotes are anecdotes. The bigger picture is that the NHS overall provides exceptionally good care. No-one is saying it's perfect, but there are no "NHS cuts", which is the purported subject of this silly thread.

Well said

Nothing is free..someone has to pay for it somewhere...

Not at all likely.

Fact is, the NHS always deteriorates under a tory govt for whatever reason, it's one of the things Labour always has to throw more at fixing when they takeover.

Gordon Brown`s PFI scheme is largely responsible for the current near bankrupt status of many health trusts

Gordon Brown`s PFI scheme is largely responsible for the current near bankrupt status of many health trusts


Nothing to say about 19 year of neglect? I'm happy to read your solution for that, should you have any idea.
Something had to be done after 19 years of tory neglect.

What would have been your solution for recovering the situation, or are you in the dark at how bad it was?
Digs hole, digs deeper.
So now we're moving on from money going to Tory mates and Nulab mates (oh no they didn't, oh yes they did...) to, ahem, 18 years of Tory neglect.
For some spending data please take a look here -
Interesting that the tightest period of funding in the last 50 years was between 1975/6 and 1979/80.
FFS it shouldn't be about party politics - it should be about the sick and ailing in our society. The needy and the vulnerable.

